
Seattle Mom Blogs

A Community for Blogging Mothers in Greater Seattle and the East Side

Come Get Festive

Posted by mrsflinger On December - 3 - 2008

Mamaspod is going to do another podcast review of Winterfest Bothell. Come join us Friday, December 5th, at 5:30 for Hot Cocoa, Santa, Singing and speak your opinion! more info

If there’s something festive in a neighborhood near you and you’d like to send us your review or invite us to come podcast with you, let us know!

Survival Tips for Tomorrow: By Bally Total Fitness

Posted by mrsflinger On November - 26 - 2008

It’s been some time since I wrote an inspiring health post. Oh, fine, it’s been a while since I’ve written ANY post, let alone inspiring. But behold! I’m here to reproduce something I got in the mail today. I mean, really, who am *I* to fain brilliance when The Professionals just emailed me the Best Tips For The Holidays?

Behold: Copyright Infringement Be Dammed, good tips from Bally Total Fitness.

Taking the bite out of holiday eating from Bally Total Fitness®

If you’re trying to watch your calorie intake, the holidays can seem like the season of temptation. But with these tried-and-true tactics for healthier holiday snacking from BallySM, you can enjoy the holidays and make it to New Year’s without regrets (or extra pounds).

Eat a small, filling meal within an hour of going to dinner parties. Some good choices: a cup of hot soup (broth-based rather than cream-based) or a half-sandwich made with whole-grain bread.
The lure of holiday buffets can cause even the most cautious calorie counter to overindulge, so decide before going to the party what you plan to eat. For example, have raw veggie appetizers instead of fried ones, a good-sized piece of broiled fish but just a little lasagna for dinner, a roll but no butter, or a favorite holiday dessert but no standard- issue cookies. And whatever you do, don’t linger near the food tables—you’ll be more likely to eat absent-mindedly.

Remember that each glass of wine, beer, or mixed drink adds calories. And the more you drink, the less inhibited you may become about controlling what you eat. Try alternating your cocktails with a glass of water to cut calories and stay hydrated.

Now the next step is actually doing this. Do you have any of your own tips you’d like to contribute? I need all the help I can get.

And, also! Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Read more of Leslie’s sarcastic blahblablah at Mrs. Flinger and find podcast reviews, interviews, crafts, events and topics for the Seattle Parent at Mamaspod.Com.