
Seattle Mom Blogs

A Community for Blogging Mothers in Greater Seattle and the East Side

That’s me in the spotlight losing my religion (Alternate title: I went to BlogHer and almost decided to quit blogging)

Posted by Bananas On August - 17 - 2008

Every year after BlogHer, two or three big-name bloggers and a whole bunch of not-so-big (but every bit as important)bloggers throw in the towel and quietly slip away into the obscurity of real life.

The rest of us bloggers howl in surprise, throw our hands in the air and gasp CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!while deep down inside we’re wondering if next year that will be us.

This year, amidst the chaoticBlogHer swagalicious love fest, I finally got it.

I was standing in a steaming hot shower washing off a long day’s small talk and big talk and party talk when the waters seemed to part and one thought stood clear in my mind.

I need to stop blogging.

In that moment, I saw my life as it is now, and I saw it as it could be without the blog.

And, in that moment, the sans-blog life looked pretty darn good.

For the first time I honestly acknowledged the toll that blogging takes on my time, my energy, my relationships, my LIFE.

But let’s be honest with each other here; this WASN’T the first time I realized the toll that blogging takes on my time, energy, and relationships.Right? Right.

No, the difference this night is that before I always thought it was worth it. In this moment, I realize thatit isn’t.

Something about being at BlogHer made me see with frighteningclarityhow CAUGHT UP we all have become in what too often amounts to a massive popularity contest… an ultimate expression of selfishness and egomania.

“LOOK AT ME” each woman seems to shout, “I AM IMPORTANT!”

And while I believe from the bottom of my heart that every woman is important, I also believe that this realization is the beginning, not the end of our journey.

Reveling in our self-importance, our uniqueness, our specialness… stopping here is not a good thing.

Rather we should claim our importance and thenmove forward to do something important with our lives.To make a difference in the lives around us… to make our short time here meaningful.

The thing that scares me the most about blogging is that something so shallow should take up so much of my precious time.

I count myself lucky that I had this realization while in SF, because I was able to have real conversations with a handful of friends, most of whom have blogged much longer than I have. All expressed similar fears and concerns. One has since stopped blogging. Another has published her intent to back off.

And me?

I’m torn.

On one hand, I think that my in-the-shower moment was probably dead on. That I need to move on with my life.

On the other hand, I feel that maybe I can transform the role that blogging plays in my life to something better. Something enriching.

Because the truth is, there is a part of blogging that is good for me. The writing. The creativity. The introspection.

Is it possible to harness the good and minimize the bad?

I want to believe that what I need is a readjustment… a visit to the great bloggy chiropractor, if you will. So I’m on a mission to do just that. To find balance.

Over the next few weeks, I plan to do some posts here on steps that I’m taking to get myself readjusted… closer to where I want to be; to a place where blogging is contributing positively to my life.

But for now I want to hear from you. Where do you stand on this issue? Have you ever considered giving up blogging? And what are your biggest struggles in the blog/life balance?

Jenny Blackburn. All Rights Reserved.


Catch more of Jenny Blackburns humorous anecdotes on being a mom, a woman, and a whole lot crazy at Absolutely Bananas. If you have questions, anecdotes, or topics for On Blogging, email jenny[@]seattlemomblogs[dot]com.