
Seattle Mom Blogs

A Community for Blogging Mothers in Greater Seattle and the East Side

Archive for the ‘Mamaspod’ Category

The MamasPod Girls hit LFP

Posted by Michelle On April - 3 - 2009


Leslie, Laura and I headed out on the town- which this time (for us Northenders) meant heading  just down the road to Lake Forest Park and Third Place Commons to listen to Dooce talk about her .  We got there…well, a little early. There are people that actually like the front row.  However, we weren’t early enough, because some of our own SMB columnists were a little more punctual and nabbed the prime front row.

The rumors you’ve heard are true…she’s…..tall.  Tall in a, “I wish I was that height” kind of way, not the freakishly, stop and stare type.  She looked great and kept us entertained.  She read 2 excerpts from her book (from her iPhone no less) and we cringed for her, we laughed with her, and we got the .  Laura has a problem, and we love her because in spite of it.  All in all, it was a fun evening and we got home after the kids were in bed- so it’s a win-win!

Did you go and we just missed you somehow?  If so, what did you think?

Mamaspod: The New Sheek

Posted by Seattle Mom Blogs On March - 9 - 2009

Mamaspod is finally part of the Seattle Mom Blogs community, right here on the front page. We’ll be localizing our podcast reviews, tightening up our conversations and giving you more of what you’ve come to expect and love. It’s with great pride that I announce our switch from manual time-extensive podcast editing to blog talk radio’s zippy all inclusive format. With this change, we’ll be able to communicate better with our listeners and get more feedback on the fly. Also? They will be LIVE. No more editing! (So, ahem, Leslie, watch your language.)

I hope you’ll join us at our first btr show, this Thursday at 8:30pm where we will be introducing each of the mamaspod women and other local bloggers. We’ll be talking to room704, as well, as they embrace Lake Washington on “vacation” (Snow! In March! WHEEE! < end sarcasm>)