
Seattle Mom Blogs

A Community for Blogging Mothers in Greater Seattle and the East Side

Archive for the ‘Our Town’ Category

Friday Roundup

Posted by Stephanie On May - 30 - 2008

Well, I missed last Friday with many good intentions of posting Monday… Well I went to bed Monday night and when I woke up it was Friday again, so my apologies, but here goes!

First of all, Carrie could use some love. She’s had a rough couple of weeks….

But congratulations go to Jenn who just finished up the first year of the preschool she helped found!

Do y’all remember the drive in? Well apparently they still have a few around…

What can you fit in your purse?

Does a buffalo filled vacation sound good to anyone else right now? I think I wouldn’t mind…

And I think that is it for this week!

Oh, and here’s a thought– if you read/post something of note this week on a blog, send me an email and I’ll try and post it. It’s hard to read all the blogs and I know I am probably missing people’s wonderful stuff! So send me a note at .

Stephanie is a work at home momma trying to make the world more beautiful while also trying to keep her sanity with three energetic children under the age of six.

You can read more about her fabulously crazy life over at The Mommiverse

Blogging Roundup

Posted by Stephanie On May - 16 - 2008

Well, it’s really sunny out, so… Quick! Round them up!

Want to support the troops? Mrs. Flinger does, and you can too.

I am just loving Raquel’s blog. And this was a heart tugging tale.

Krista’s got a problem with shoes.

A wannabe hippie shares that the words “hey mom do you care if…?” are usually not good.

And Happy Tenth Anniversary to an Ordinary Mom! YAY!

Enjoy the sunshine! Read these posts quick and then get off of that computer and get outside!

Here a blog, there a blog– Round ‘em up!

Posted by Stephanie On May - 9 - 2008

Well, when you’re sick enough that all you can do is lie in bed with your lappy all week, you can read a lot of blogs, and since that’s been me this week, here’s what’s going on with all of you:

Carrie paid to have her son’s hair cut this week. Guess who she paid? Not the barber….

I wish I knew which baby pool Scout frequents… don’t drink the water kids!

Ashley enjoyed some of the wonderful but rare Northwest Sunshine at the BEACH!! I wish I could have gone to the beach. I wish I could have gone to Safeway…

Kirida asked the internet some pretty .

Who knew that a calendar could have such bad karma? Denise didn’t.

And I just love this blog. It is just so full of beautiful things and ways to spend the hub’s paycheck. I could spend all day at Kids Haus.

Look for another round of roundups next week! Make it a good one!

Gather Round…

Posted by Stephanie On May - 2 - 2008

Well, I apologize for the roundup being so late on a Friday. Gee, I must have chickens at my house or something…

Well, first of all, I am jealous. Maui? Making your own coconut bra? Lucky!

Anyone else ever have a kid get naked at Barnes and Noble? Vintage Dutch Girl has. Cute site design too.

Strange things are happening at Denise’s place. And she’s not really sure what she should or should not blog about her teenage son.

There was a birthday in Cheesetown this week: Max is 2! Yay!

Well, that about does it, have a good blogging week and we’ll see ya back here on Friday.

The Friday Bloggy Roundup

Posted by Stephanie On April - 24 - 2008

Can I get my own graphic for this one? Maybe a froggy at a computer working on his her bloggy…

And so the round up begins…

First of all we need to give a congrats and some big props to Nora Bee over at Whopping Cornbread– She defended her dissertation this week! Yay, Nora!

Also a big yay-a-roo for Chark, who is going to participate in the March of Dimes on Saturday and has raised nearly $3000! I do so love a good cause…

Anyone ever heard of the Fremont Troll? Kristin has. That thing is WILD!

Jenny on the spot, probably like most of us, had herself a little pantry moment, this week. Who hasn’t? Though, her pantry is way better than mine.

I just thought this was sweet. Linda made a tender little vid about her adopted daughter.

And I just have to give it up for Nicki, who turns a crummy situation into something humorous for everyone. Did you know you have to pay for toilet paper in Mexico? She didn’t.

So, that’s what I got for this week. Also, Kathryn says I should come up with a creative name for the blogging round up. Any ideas? I am not so creative with the verbage.

This week’s bloggy round-up

Posted by Bananas On March - 16 - 2008

This kind ofstory totally freaks me out about the prospect ofsending my child off to school.

Step away from the ‘Buy Now’ button, Angie.

I’ve never been asked to show my son’s passport at the doctors office. Have you? But then, we match. The girl at the front desk should be ashamed of herself.

Happy Anniversary, Kimand David! Ten years is a BIG deal!

I think we all need to send Eve a virtual hug.

Friday Blogger Round-up

Posted by Eve Good On November - 16 - 2007

I really do enjoy these round-ups,it helpsgetting to know all of you, and I enjoy reading your stories.

I can read faster than I can type up a synopsis. Life has been a little crazy busy for me lately and I’m sure I’m not the only one. So in place of writing today I issue a challenge… click on three new blogs that you haven’t visited, and leave comments on each one.

This weekend I will do the same.

And next Friday we’ll peek in on a few of you and how you pulled off Thanksgiving. So write for me!

Have a good one y’all!