
Seattle Mom Blogs

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Archive for the ‘Northwest Nightlights’ Category

So You Think You Can Dance~Live

Posted by Eve Good On November - 29 - 2007

The night began with an ill-timed dinner at a restaurant whichI will not name due to lack of serviceand extremely late food.I will say that the water-boy was fantastic and my glass never even close to empty. On that note I did consume about six glasses of water during the 45 minute wait for our food.

The show wasto start at 8pm. We left the restaurant at 7:45 in a bit of a hurry, but we tried not to panic. The Everett Events Center was only three blocks away, it shouldn’t be aproblem. Little did we realize parking would take another 30 minutes.

Bare with me as Iprefacehow OBSESSED I am with this show. More than any other reality TV show on the whole cable and local networking this is my one true love. I love So You Think You Can Dance with a passion beyond measure. I was a dancer (of the theatrical sort) in my former life, and watching this show makes me achefor those former days. I find myself wondering ifa 31 year old mother of 3 and soon to be fourwould have a chance in auditions. What? A girl can dream!

So when we were slightly late for thebeginning of the showmy sister and I began to run as if our life depended on it. On six glasses of water. Down a hill. In heels. Laughing our freezing tushies off. Yes, incontinence was an issue, but we won’t talk about that.

As we neared the Events Center we could here the music starting. It seemed to trigger a very emotional reaction in both of us because we began to scream. We screamed at the security check point. We screamed at the ticket takers. We screamed as we ran through the almost empty halls, our voices echoing off the walls. And we screamed more loudly as we ran up the stairs and caught the first glimpse of the dancers. We couldn’t help it. We were frozen, we could move no further than the top of the stairs. I couldn’t look at my sister, not that I could see straight, tears were pouring from my eyes. I didn’t care. The arena was full of other screaming devout fans and my sobs blended in with the masses.

It was a beautiful, emotional moment that I will treasure.

When we finally made our way to our seats, I turned to my sister. “I’m bawling my eyes out,” I said. “Oh my gosh so am I!” she said. “I just didn’t want to tell you because I felt stupid.” We laughed through our tears.

I cried through the first half of the show. They did not disappoint. Although I could have done without the cheesy scripted dialogue in between numbers, and the dances were not long enough! Especially the solos, it seemed they cut the dancers off just when they were getting warmed up. The music and the sound quality were amazing. I was happy when intermission came. Mommy had a much needed potty stop to make. I fought the crowds boldly to get through and back to my seat. I was afraid I’d miss another moment of bliss.

The second half began and I felt emotionally exhausted. There were no more tears, but I yelled and clapped with much enthusiasm. When the number came on that I had replayed over and over in my mind since last season I was in a state of euphoria. Shane Sparks was the choreographer. Sabra and Dominic were the dancers. And of course, this song “Make It Work” Ne-Yo. Listen to it on itunes. You won’t regret it. It was as beautiful and real then as it was six months ago.

People, I’m telling you, I’m counting the days until next season.I pray I willnever have to miss a live show and I plan on saving my allowance for next year, when I can buy tickets up front, where I can truly be part of the experience.

I went to bed that night with stars in my eyes.

Check out Eve’s personal blog at Good Enoughand contact at goodenoughblogatgmail.com.

Ben Lee Is My New Crush.

Posted by Eve Good On November - 7 - 2007

Venues that link up to maps that are INCORRECT get a strike from me. Neumos, get your act together. You really dont want to lead all of your first time patrons astray do you?

I dusted off my concert jeans Monday afternoon, not knowing what to expect that evening. When I arrived at Neumos that night I immediately felt comfortable. The crowd was mixed, with old and young filtering in as the night wore on. The opening band was great. Two brothers from Australia, but I couldnt understand what their names were behind their heavy accents. They were adorable, and the lead singer kept doling out self help advice. He kept telling us we needed to have faith, and all you need is love. It was endearing because I could tell he was sincere.

The second act was Cary Brothers. His music was redundant, but bearable. My husband said it made him feel like he should be dancing in a snow globe with a tutu on. Carey dropped names and swore every time he opened his mouth. If he had just kept his mouth shut I may have thought him deep and mysterious but he ruined the illusion by talking. He didnt seem as intelligent as his music was trying to be.

And then

The wait was over before we knew it. He appeared before the crowd in his pink shirt, suit jacket, and disheveled rocker hair. He captured our undivided attention for the next hour and a half. It seemed to me like hed been performing forever. He was not intimidated by the closeness of the Seattle crowd. IN fact he seemed to be able to influence our emotions. He made us laugh with songs like What would Jay-Z do? We rocked to covers of punk rock songs and his very own Sex without Love. He made us think with one of my favorite new songs Whatever it is and Were all in this together and then there were the love songs…Begin, Love me like the world is ending, Blush, the lyrics were so intense and vivid I couldnt help but want to hear the stories behind them.

Ben Leerocked my world people! He was AMAZING!

Yes, he was ladies. Ive always had a soft spot for a good musician. I think you all know what I mean. Isabel and I had the pleasure of meeting him afterward. When we told him about Seattle Mom Blogs he told us we were “MILFS.”

MILFS? I didnt know what he meant but I gave him a courtesy laugh while Isabel and I cuddled up next to him for a picture. After we left the room, and my heart stopped pounding so loudly, I asked my husband what a MILF was. He told me in so many words. I still wasnt sure about it so I asked my little sister the next day. She started laughing as soon as the acronym escaped my lips. You dont know what that means? Where have you been for the past 15 years? I had to look it up on Wikipedia for a full understanding. So unless he thinks that Isabel and I are part of the Moro Islamic Liberation Fronthe finds us very attractive, in so many letters.

Update: I found Ben’s Blog. The first band was . Check them out, they were sweet.

Stayed tuned for more of Eves adventures in Northwest Night Lights.

You can also find Eve at her personal blog, Good Enough. If you have questions, reviews, or topics for Northwest Nightlights, email goodenoughblog @ gmail.com

Northwest Nightlights

Posted by Eve Good On October - 24 - 2007

I remember my first official concert1994. Weezer , Archers of Loafthat all ages club right by the McDonalds by the Space Needle whoever can tell me the name of that long gone venue wins a prize. It ’s driving me crazy not to remember it

I went to concerts to see the bands up close, to feel their sweat, to see how they enunciated each and every word. There was nothing I wouldn’t do to stand there. But there was also a price. For those that wanted to be there in the front and experience the music, had the “mosh pit ” to deal with as well. But the adrenaline lasted for hours afterwards, and the memories will last a lifetime.

I love music. It’s a passion I don’t think I will ever outgrow. I love new music but am fiercely loyal to those bands that sucked me in, in the beginning. Some of them are still around.

I love the theatre as well, and in my college years I landed the job of “barista” in the Paramount Theatre, which included working at the Moore Theatre as well. It was a dream job. I remember it with a gleam in my eye. The work did not pay the rent, but it was worth such meager sums to steal into the ballroom during the shows and watch the plays and concerts.

I love this city. I love the energy of Seattle at night. There is so much to do. But I return from an 8 year absence with new appendages, three young children. The city is no longer my playground. The playground has become my playground. But I think it’s time ladies. I’m ready to get back to my city. I’m craving to see what the Seattle Night Lights have to offer. This time I’m going to have a husband to drag along with me, andI think I’ll leave the moshing to the teenagers and bring my binoculars instead. It’s much easier on my head.

You can also find Eve at her personal blog, Good Enough. If you have questions, reviews, or topics for Northwest Nightlights, email goodenoughblog @ gmail.com