A super sweet Seattle Mom Blogger Stacey reviews the newest offering from Red Robin. I need to get to a Red Robin, stat! -Mona
I rather dig Red Robin. It’s a family friendly restaurant with tasty food, pleasant staff and whimsical décor. So when my family and I were offered the opportunity to try out their newest gourmet burger, invented by one of Washington’s own Puyallup resident Emily Potts, I wiped the drool from my mouth and quickly agreed.
Little Emma at the ripe old age of 10 has outdone herself with the Spicy Honey Glazed Bacon Burger.

spicy honey glazed bacon burger!
The before (you know you want to lick the screen)
Let me say that again. Spicy. Honey Glazed. BACON.Burger. It was all you’re probably imagining. The burger was nice and juicy and the mix of sweet and savory was downright heavenly. Initially, I was a bit worried about the spice because if you know me you know that I don’t do spicy. But it’s an ever so slight kick that adds that little bit of punch and doesn’t over power the burger. It’s was mild enough spice (how’s that for an oxymoron) that my children were able to tolerate with no problems.
Oh and don’t even get me started on the bottomless fries. Those for me are like a drug. I don’t think there is any way you can prepare a potato that I wouldn’t enjoy but all dressed in that fantastic Red Robin seasoning salt I’m pretty sure my stomach did a happy dance at that parade of flavors.
And here’s the “can it get any better?” part, Red Robin is donating fifty cents of the proceeds from the sale of each burger to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children®.
And I must give props to my local RR. Y’all have got one heck of a team there. I love that your servers ask my children what they’d like and actually listen to what they’re saying and don’t turn to me when they don’t answer fast enough.

demolished burger
The aftermath. Believe me I wanted to keep eating but that wouldn’t have been pretty.
Red Robin, you done good. I’ll be back for more.
Finally, let me not forget to mention if your child age 6 to 12 or a child you know is a gourmet chef just waiting to be discovered encourage them to submit their recipe online (www.RedRobinKidsCookOff.com) from Aug. 3 to Sept 12.
10 semi-finalists will receive a trip to Colorado for the Championship with an accompanying parent or guardian, a $75 Red Robin gift card, a $100 VISA gift card, and an iPod nano. The grand-prize winner’s gourmet burger will be featured in every participating U.S. Red Robin® restaurant and will also receive a family vacation to Universal Orlando® Resort and Red Robin gift cards for a year (12 $30 gift cards).
Stacey is a twin and a mom of twins and that alone makes her a superhero. She blogs at Because I Must Blog.
Editor’s Note: We received a free Red Robin dinner for two in exchange for this review.
Oh. My. That makes me hungry!!!! Excellent review Stacey, I may just have to partake in that instead of my usual “Banzai” burger the next time we go to Red Robin! We love Red Robin!!!!