
Seattle Mom Blogs

A Community for Blogging Mothers in Greater Seattle and the East Side

Fun with Dry Ice

Posted by Mona On July - 12 - 2010

We’re highlighting some awesome posts from the Seattle Mom Blog circle. Here’s one from Kristin who blogs at Intrepid Murmurings. She’s a phenomenal mama of three girls including two identical twins! Do you have a post you’d like to feature here? – Mona

Last week in a semi-desperate moment (I had been shut in with sick kids for at least 5 days) we got groceries delivered from .  LOVE them — I ordered before 10am and they were delivered by 5 the same day!  While this was what saved my sanity in the baby twin days,  its more of a treat now.  I try to get things on sale and shop in bulk and discount places mostly (Safeway, Costco, Grocery Outlet) since our food bill with 5 eaters can get HUUUUUUGE. 

The cold things from Amazon always get packaged in insulated bags or coolers with huge chunks of dry ice.  My husband, Lonnie, cannot help but play with it, every time.  Its obviously not something you want the kids to touch, so he had it at the bottom of our deep sink with just a little water, and impressed upon them the importance of not reaching down to touch the water (Elsie’s and Delia’s arms are too short, anyway, I think).  Here’s some of pictures of the fun.   Elsie is in the pink dress, Delia is on the far side, Emma, standing tall in the middle.