
Seattle Mom Blogs

A Community for Blogging Mothers in Greater Seattle and the East Side

Evening at the Cirque-GIVEAWAY!

Posted by Michelle On June - 24 - 2010


A few of us here at SMB were lucky enough to be able to preview the amazing show KOOZA by Cirque du Soleil for you!  If you have never been to a Cirque du Soleil show, you are truly missing out on a fantastic feast for the eyes!  Music, singing, dancing, acrobatics, illusions, humor- these shows have it all, and SO much more!

Here is what we thought of our KOOZA experience- in our own words:


Kooza was our first introduction to Cirque de Soleil shows.  It was everything I had hoped Cirque du Soleil would be.  All of us were very entertained during the entire show, including my 5 year old son.  Every seat in the big tent is a great seat.  We were 3 rows from the last row and we were still very close to the stage.
My son keeps talking about it and asking me what my favorite part was.  He hasn’t quit talking about it since we went.  I honestly can’t pick a favorite act, because I really enjoyed it all.  His favorite was the skeletons and the men walking, jumping and flipping on the big huge wheels.
My family loved it and we look forward to seeing another Cirque du Soleil show again in the future!


My family and I saw the Cirque du Soleil show Kooza this past weekend.  While my husband and I have seen 2 other Cirque performances, this was our son’s first introduction.  It is so nice that Kooza is appropriate for the entire family!  There were people of all ages there and the whole thing is entertaining to young and old!  I love that Cirque du Soleil tells a story in between the acrobatic performances.  The story caries throughout the whole show and keeps you entertained and laughing while they gear up for the next set of stunts.  The audience participation is hilarious and keeps you guessing if you might be their next on-stage “victim”.  Very funny.  The music is beautiful- performed live on-stage during the show.  As far as my favorite acrobatic performance goes, I would have to say that the teeter-totter flippers are really fun to watch!  The extreme flexibility of one of the acts made me cringe a little- but, of course, it was truly amazing!  When I asked my son what his favorite part was, he replied, “Everything!”.  We all enjoyed ourselves immensely and can’t wait until another Cirque du Soleil show rolls into our area!


This venue was so unique!  The entire show site is comprised of several huge tents.  The show arena was very intimate and there isn’t a bad seat in the house! All four of us thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.  It really is hard to pick one act that we loved the most.  The guys on the spinning wheels and the flipping acrobats on stilts were ones that stood out for sure!  One tip: Get there early!  They do restrict your entrance if you don’t arrive on time- ahem, not that we would know anything about that.



Doesn’t that just make you want to go?  Well, guess what?!  We have 4 tickets to give away to one lucky family! All you have to do is leave a comment here letting us know you read this post (you can express your love for Cirque du Soleil if you want!).  One person will be chosen at random to win the 4 tickets to the show.

***Entrants MUST be able to attend the 8pm show on Thursday, July 8th at Marymoor Park in Redmond, WA.  If you cannot attend at this time, please do not enter (the tickets are not changeable).***

Winner will be chosen and contacted a week from today on July 1st!
big top

What if you DON’T win!?  Bummer, we know…BUT, you can always just buy tickets on your own!  We know you wanna!  Here’s some incentive in case you aren’t the lucky winner.

Celebrate the Fourth of July with a special offer from Cirque du Soleil!

KOOZA from Cirque du Soleil is now playing in Seattle, and friends of the Seattle Moms Blog can receive 50% off children’s tickets for all July 3rd & 4th shows. Bring the whole family for free popcorn, soft drinks and face painting!

KOOZA is performing for a limited engagement under the trademark blue-and-yellow Grand Chapiteau (Big Top) at King County’s Marymoor Park.

KOOZA is a return to the origins of Cirque du Soleil: It combines two circus traditions – acrobatic performance and the art of clowning. The show is set in an electrifying and exotic visual world full of surprises, thrills, chills, audacity and total involvement. Truly an adrenaline rush of acrobatics in a crazy kingdom!

Remember this holiday for years to come!

Click HERE to buy tickets!
So buy your tickets for the July 4th weekend soon!  You won’t be disappointed!

27 Responses to “Evening at the Cirque-GIVEAWAY!”

  1. Beth Ramsay says:

    You know I love the circus! I want to FLYYYYYYYY!

  2. Timerie says:

    Would sooo love to see this show!! I heard it was amazing!!

  3. Christy says:

    I would LOVE to go to this show! I hope I win!

  4. Barbara says:

    I saw Cirque Du Soleil in Orlando and it was AWESOME! Would love to see this show.

  5. I think Cirque is amazing! I would love to give these tickets to my parents and my Aunt & Uncle!

    What a fun giveaway! Thanks!

  6. andra says:

    I would love to see this show. My kids have only seen Cirque on TV.

  7. I would love this!!!!! :)

  8. Love the Cirque! This is how circus should be. Caught their shows all the time on IFC. :-)

  9. Sally says:

    My husband and I were just walking through Marymoor the other day and talking about how much we wanted to see the show! Pick me!

  10. Shanin Calnon says:

    Pick me!! Pick me!! I have ALWAYS wanted to see this show!!! Would be such a great family night! To expose the boys to something so amazing, it would be awesome!

  11. Ashley says:

    Would love to take my five year old to this!

  12. Heather says:

    I’ve never been, but I’d love to!

  13. Sarah says:

    I have always wanted to go to see them!

  14. Rosalie says:

    This show looks so FUN! It’s great to have a show like this in our area.

  15. Diane says:

    I’d love to see Cirque Du Soleil with my family. What an AWESOME experience. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  16. Patty says:

    Well, after reading the reviews above…I’m Sold!

  17. Danielle says:

    I’ve been two 2 Cirque shows and both were AMAZING!!!! The only way to describe them are “a feast for the senses.” The music is amazing, the set, costumes, etc, the music…everything is so wow!

  18. Shirley says:

    Saw the blog, I’ve never been but would love to win so I could take my 2 grandchildren. I’m crossing my fingers!

  19. Penny says:

    I have always wanted to go to Cirque Du Soliel…Is this my chance? Yippee!!!!!

  20. Art Ist says:

    Great giveaway! I’ve never been to a Cirque performance but would love to go!


  21. Elizabeth says:

    Wow. I have ALWAYS wanted to see one of their performances. This would be a super amazing treat!!! Thanks for the offer. Pretty please.

  22. Lisita says:

    It sounds incredible… I’ll keep my fingers crossed!

  23. Kathleen says:

    I would love to take my mom to see this! Seen LOVE in Las Vegas and have been sold on Cirque ever since!

  24. Sherry says:

    My grandson said it was terrific! I would love to go!

  25. I Love Cirque Du Soliel. I’ve only seen one show in Vegas, but it was a good one and I’d love to see them perform in my own backyard (so to speak)!

  26. Sarah says:

    I want to go soooooo bad!!!

  27. Shea says:

    Ok dokie…verified the spouse will be in town then so here’s hoping we can win and go!!!