
Seattle Mom Blogs

A Community for Blogging Mothers in Greater Seattle and the East Side

Disney’s My Friends Tigger and Pooh Giveaway!

Posted by Carrie On April - 13 - 2010

MFTPSuperDuperSuperSleuthsDVD[1]When choosing what children’s entertainment to allow into our home, I’ve always relied on two very important criteria. 1) That said children’s entertainment not make me want to poke forks into my eyeballs upon listening to it. Hence, the absence of any and all episodes of “Caillou” or cds containing “Caillou” content because seriously? Does a child get any more annoying than that? And, 2) That said children’s entertainment be somewhat positive. I don’t mean that we have to be all “Veggie Tales” all the time, but when it comes to young children and the entertainment I want them to connect to, I’d kind of prefer if it be somewhat uplifting. No violence – but for the occasional SPLAT! on “Bugs Bunny” cartoons, which are exempt because they are classics.

Winnie the Pooh certainly always passes the test. A classic. A good, kind-hearted bear with good, kind-hearted friends. No super annoying voices…you get the picture. Although my daughter is just about finished with her first year of kindergarten, I’m happy that she still clings to the little girl stuff – babies, cups w/lids (saving me tons of money on Resolve for the carpet), bubble gum flavored Lip Smackers, crayons, Goldfish crackers and preschool programming, like “My Friends Tigger and Pooh.”

In fact, she loved the newest DVD, “My Friends Tigger and Pooh: Super Duper Super Sleuths,” so much she asked to watch it every day of our Spring Break. Which was nice, because if you weren’t lucky enough to be on the first plane out of the Pacific Northwest to a more tropical (and less rainy) part of the world, you know all too well how much rain we had. To put it simply, we were spoiled with it! So, the gift of having a brand new DVD to watch was especially appreciated (thank you Disney folk) and the added bonus? The “Super Duper Super Sleuths” movie encourages healthy eating! It was a win-win situation.

In other words, this DVD saved our Spring Break. Although aimed at the preschool audience, my 6 year old loved it and I even caught her older brothers, aged 11 and 13, sitting through the entire, full-length adventure (but don’t tell them I told you, they would die). And from the kitchen, where I spent a lot of time rearranging my pantry, I heard no annoying voices, no name-calling, and no bad language – from my kids or the DVD. It was a Spring Break miracle!

Seattle Mom Blogs has FIVE brand new “My Friends Tigger and Pooh: Super Duper Super Sleuths” to give away to FIVE lucky readers. All you have to do is leave a comment on this post, telling us what your favorite form of family entertainment during our soggy Seattle Springs is, and you could win! All entries must be recieved by Tuesday, April 20th. Winner will be selected by random draw and notified via email.

Good luck!

*Comments are now closed.  Our five lucky winners will be contacted by email.  Thanks everyone!


Carrie Blankenship is the author of the blog Stop Screaming I’m Driving, where she attempts to tell her story of motherhood. She likes long walks in the park, dancing in the rain, and can be bribed to do just about anyting with a vanilla latte, extra foam. Contact her with column suggestions or just say “hi” at carrieb[at]seattlemomblogs.com. Or, .

9 Responses to “Disney’s My Friends Tigger and Pooh Giveaway!”

  1. Carrie says:

    We hang out at the Children’s Museum and Pacific Science Center. A LOT.

  2. Michelle Brewer says:

    My favorite thing to do in the rain with kids is head to Seattle Center. You can take the monorail, explore the Pac Science Center or go up to the top of the Space Needle. If you have little money to spend grab Starbucks at the Center House and watch your kis run around and create mayhem! Better than being at home!

  3. HeartSmilesX5 says:

    Thanks for the great review on Disney’s My Friends Tigger & Pooh Super Duper Super Sleuths! The fact that the movie teaches about good eating habits is great to know.

    With 3 children of my own and a niece all aged 3-7, finding reviews for great family entertainment is a great time and money saver.

    I agree with your view on Caillou. Caillou and nails on a chalkboard are in the same category.

    Two of our favorite family entertainment (babysitting to cook a meal) programs are Franklin and The Wonder Pets!

  4. Lisita says:

    We love to cuddle up and watch a movie on a rainy day. Haven’t seen this one but we love the TV show!

  5. The Mom Jen says:

    My kids and hubby and I love to make FORTS!! Grabbing all the cushions from the couches and a ton of blankets we set that up in the living room, add popcorn and have an indoor campout! ;P

  6. Michelle says:

    Great review. Always looking for fun, kid entertainment.

  7. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Carrie Blankenship, Carrie Blankenship. Carrie Blankenship said: Disney giveaway here: https://seattlemomblogs.com/2010/04/disneys-my-friends-tigger-and-pooh-giveaway/ [...]

  8. Krista says:

    Well, we went to the zoo in the pouring rain back in January! I guess that’s what I get for being born and raised in Oregon, a little rain never stopped anyone!
    Otherwise… books and play-doh, and stamping!

  9. Lisa says:

    We watch movies and all cuddle up on our big comfy couch. We save movies that we really want to see for just these days.