
Seattle Mom Blogs

A Community for Blogging Mothers in Greater Seattle and the East Side

Archive for January, 2010

Back in town and back to the workout routine.

Posted by chrisp On January - 29 - 2010

I’m back from the week out of town.  I packed my running gear and workout clothes and started off with a bang.  The first morning I got up and my mother in law took me to a fantastic trail in the mountains.  I ran 8 miles on a snow covered trail, along a river and loved it.  I had forgotten to bring my Zune so I ran to the sound of the river and my shoes on the snow.  The 2nd day, I went with my mother in law to her “gym”.  Interesting.  I’ll leave it at that for now.  But I managed to decent strength workout and was feeling like I had a handle on the workout while traveling deal.  Then it went downhill from there.  Day 3 I spent 7+ hours in the car driving to a wedding of a close friend of mine.  Day 4 was spent driving the 7+ hours back.  No exercise and lots of sitting in the car.  And then we got up on the next day and headed to NYC and to the airport to fly home.  Again, no workout.  But, by being very careful of my diet, I did manage to lose 1.5 pounds while gone which I was happy about.

Workouts with new trainer are going well.  He is perfect for what I wanted in a trainer. I can’t say enough good things about him. Turns out he has a masters and I love “talking the science of working out” with him.  Generally, I ask a question and then he provides me with a fascinating and relevant discourse on the subject.  Of which I retain about 2 concepts.  And then I email him and ask for the information again.  He’s nice enough enough to take the time to write it all out so I can read it and understand it.  Yesterday, we talked about the different methods of fatigue and my goal is to work out to volitional fatigue this week.  Last week, we talked about how to increase my ability to workout at a high intensity level without hitting my lactate max.

Of course, it’s not all lectures.  We also laugh a lot.  Last week, while I was working on a set of abs, he sat down on a stability ball that, unfortunately for him, was on top of a dumbbell.  He literally rolled straight backwards and fell off the ball, head over heels.  Since  he’s 6′3″ and all arms and legs, it was one of the funniest things I had seen in a long time.  AND, he got up and totally laughed at himself.

I had my last physical therapy appointment today.  Yes- I’ve been released!  My knee is healed and my shoulder issues are improved to a point where I can work on the shoulder myself at home.  Fortunately, the physical therapist is willing to answer any questions over email and I can make an appointment with him at any time for a follow up to check on any soreness that may arise, if it does.

So, what’s next?  My running partner and I are starting to increase the mileage on our long weekend runs.  The last 2 were 12 miles each (I missed the weekend in between) and this weekend we’ll run 18 miles.  The first marathon of 2010 is coming up in about 7 weeks so it’s time to get some distance in and start thinking about race strategy.

I’m also considering adding a spinning class to my schedule now that I am done with physical therapy.  My bike still has its triathlon number on it from the race at the end of September.  Yes, that is the last time I got on it and rode.  Sad.  I have made a friend through dailymile and we’ve talked about him joining L and I for a weekend run for him to work on his running and he’ll take me out on a bike ride as he is a biking fanatic.  I need to do something if I plan to improve my sprint triathlon times and compete in an Olympic distance triathlon this summer.

But, wow, no matter what I do, I can only seem to find 24 hours in a day.

The Doctor is Online

Posted by Mona On January - 29 - 2010
Dr. Wendy Sue Swanson, Mama Doc

Dr. Wendy Sue Swanson, Mama Doc

Dr. Wendy Sue Swanson is a mother of two young boys, pediatrician, a wife of pediatric radiologist and now a blogger. In an interview with Seattle Mom blogs, she shares that part of her blog’s mission is to illustrate her story and life where parents already are—online. She says that the internet provides a cadence of conversations for people who would otherwise be isolated and gives readers a sense of camaraderie.

On her blog, Seattle Mama Doc, Dr. Swanson marries personal anecdotes with professional knowledge, offering up her own recommendations on topics like flying with children in tow (she doesn’t recommend Benadryl) and breastfeeding while working. Her blog places her medical expertise in the context and setting of her life, with the idea of wellness shining through much more colorfully than any how-to book.

to the world

As a mother, Dr. Swanson understands how intimidating parenting can be. When it comes to mainstream media-induced panic on topics like H1N1, Dr. Swanson says if something feels hysterical, think about stepping away from it a bit to catch your breath or find another voice on the topic. You have to “zoom in and zoom out on the issue.” While search engine sleuthing can be empowering, unpredictable search results can compound fear. A search for “influenza + kids” can be drastically different from “swine flu + kids.”

“When your heart is pounding,” she says, “it goes against celebrating the health and wellness of your children.” Talking to your pediatrician or consulting an informed source allows parents to take the news into perspective.

She says that her role as a parent has already made her a better pediatrician. She has a few tips for parents and caregivers on how to make doctors visits successful. Keep a pad of paper handy and prioritize three or four of the best questions. Never be afraid to ask anything, even if you think it’s silly. Even if it’s about poop or especially if it’s about poop! (Her answer: all shades of brown and green are fine. Call your pediatrician if it’s red, white or black.)

the light breaks through

She explains that while it is the doctor’s primary goal of the visit to ensure that your child is developing well and to do a thorough exam, you should not feel intimidated to ask questions or feel like you are imposing. Make sure to set the agenda early in the visit so you can feel comfortable. “We’re doing our best in empowering and helping families and together making a plan. Parents can be great advocates by making the pediatrician aware of concerns and questions early in the appointment.”

And in response to the timeless question–how do manage a work/life balance–Dr. Swanson confesses that she doesn’t have one. Finding a perfect zen with two boys at home and up to twenty-six patients in one day isn’t constant, though she does praise women who do succeed, adding that she’s not necessarily that person. “I feel fortunate that I have two wonderful boys who consume my heart but every day is not perfect and round. It can be edgy and I can feel like a failure, but I’m not willing to give up.”

You can read more of Dr. Swanson’s musings on motherhood, medicine and more at Seattle Mama Doc and follow her on !

Getting our Game On! – Seattle G2U Event

Posted by Mona On January - 26 - 2010

Cross-posted from Because I Must Blog Dammit!

Friday evening several SMBs and one SDB (that would be Seattle Dad Blogger) had the pleasure of attending a demo for Games2U, a mobile gaming theater new to the Seattle market.

One word: Supermegaawesome!

Ok, that was several “words” (and poor grammar), but it’s challenging to articulate how ridiculously fun a temperature controlled 25 ft trailer with seating inside for up to 16-18 kids (or 12 adults comfortably), 6 – 52 inch flat screens (two mounted outside allowing for more room, more players and tournament play), an Xbox, a PS3 and a Wii is.

My son, a huge fan of all that is Lego, busied himself with Lego Batman while my daughter got her game on with Wii Tennis. They had so much fun that when it was time to pack it in, I had to do the 10 minute warning (then the 5 minute, then the 1 minute…you know the drill) because I knew getting them out of there would be a challenge.

This trailer full of awesome boasts more than 51 titles per game system and pulls right up to your home, school or corporate event. Your average party starts at $229, which in my mind, is reasonable considering all that it has to offer.



Alexis’ sons playing inside and a view of the outside screens

I know what you’re thinking: Why can’t I simply host a video game party at my home with my own gaming system? Well sure you could.

But would you have the space and equipment to facilitate different games at the same time and/or tournament play? Would you have two game assistants on hand who can instruct and assist with any questions? How about super cool laser lighting or the ability to set up laser tag to give the kids a break from gaming and get in a little physical activity?

hamster ball!

hamster ball!

And OMG their human sized hamster ball?!
While I didn’t try it this time I’ve added it to my “bucket list”.

What’s more, your party can be topped off with your child being able to shoot candy 50 feet up into the air via the mega cool “candy cannon” for all his /her friends to enjoy. Step aside pinatas, the candy cannon has arrived!

I could go on, but I’m guessing you get that this theater on wheels has just about everything you could want and more.



And if I wasn’t impressed enough with the mobile game theater, Lance, the owner of Games2U (and Clowns Unlimited which rents any kind of party, wedding or corporate event gear you could possibly think of) set up inflatable bouncers and carnival themed games to make sure our kids were thoroughly entertained.

Lance, and the Games2U crew, really are a class act.

He and his staff wowed me with their easygoing yet completely professional manner and their willingness to endure our endless questions and statements like, “wow I’d like this for myself for a grown up party. Can you put a keg in here?”

But I digress. *ahem*

In the words of my 6 year old son, who now cannot wait until his May birthday to play in the game theater again, “Mom it was even way more awesomer than I thought it would be”. And I concur.

So if you’re looking for a great party idea in the Seattle/Eastside area that will make you the coolest parent ever check ‘em out.

**Note – my camera was being uncooperative so these photos are borrowed from G2U, Alexis and Shana and because the FTC has to have it’s hand in everything (ugh) – Disclosure: G2U provided a free demonstration only. This is not a paid review

SMB Spotlight: Max’s Mud

Posted by Mona On January - 26 - 2010
good clean fun!

good clean fun!

Kim Smith is a former baker mother whose own experience led to a business, Max’s Mud, that not only has helped her family, but aids other families looking for creative and healthy play for their children. She tells us her story on what it’s like to balance a new business and family bustle, and the work it takes to enter the toy market.

Tell me about the genesis of Max’s Mud. Where were you in your life and what gave you the idea?
My husband, Craig and I had a preemie, Max at 31-3/7 weeks, basically 8-1/2 weeks early. Since Max was our first as my husband says we didn’t know any better and to us being in the Swedish NICU and step down unit for 7 weeks was our “normal.” With that being said our instructions in bringing Max home was to keep him inside until spring, Yes that’s right SPRING, which in the great northwest might start in May! So began our playtime and as Max’s motor skills developed and as Mom was looking for more stimulation I cooked up a batch of organic “play dough,”–let’s face it, we all have a recipe–and after hubby/daddy brought home some varieties with glitter and foam pellets in it, I decided to make some that I knew the contents of.

Who is Max?
Our oldest son! Now he is a cleaver kindergartner who still loves to play with the mud, creating everything imaginable.

How long have you been making Max’s Mud?
I made the first version of Max’s Mud when Max was six months old in 2004, then as we were playing at the kitchen table over the next few months I had an epiphany if we were going to go to the effort to develop a certified organic sculpting dough I wanted it to be something everyone could enjoy! This is where my profession and trade experience as a baker came in.

Why is Max’s Mud unique?
I tested numerous combinations, all based on the desire to have a certified organic and certified gluten-free product, considering availability of goods, what the limitations of the certifying agencies were, production abilities, etc. Through this process I developed a unique formulation that no other sculpting dough or modeling compound is using the unique aspect of Max’s Mud is that we hold a provisional patent.

I read about the special composition of Max’s Mud (certified organic and gluten free sculpting dough, 100% organic rice flour, vegan, and free of gluten, wheat, soy, corn, and fragrance.) Why is this important?
We don’t want to leave anyone out of the fun! Through our experience with our preemie we learned that allergies and asthma are so closely related, as a baker I am keenly aware of these flour allergies albeit wheat, soy, corn. It was a natural progression to use rice and jojoba oil, they are wonderful mediums for our Mud and compliment sensory play.

We actively choose not to scent our Mud, obviously from a allergy & asthma direction but for me it is also about sending the right message, we are talking about curious kids, if it smells like food they are going to be want to try it! Right? I feel that most of us with curious kids don’t need another reason to tell our little ones not to put something in their mouth.

With that being said as a consumer I wanted to see the certifications that I would expect on a product like Max’s Mud we are the world’s first certified organic sculpting dough, we are certified as a food product as there is no category for organic toys or art materials, since kids will put this in their mouths we were able to become certified. We are the world’s first certified gluten-free sculpting dough, numerous kids can’t play with dough that is made from wheat. Being certified we are tested to have less than half the regulated amount of gluten parts per million.

max's mud

max's mud

What would you say to parents who aren’t as aware of these issues?
The thing about Max’s Mud is it is a great sculpting dough, and hopefully most parents don’t have to worry about allergies or asthma episodes, its not fun for the child, parents or caregivers. We want everyone to play, I think it is just important to know as much as you can about what your kids are playing with and putting in their mouths. Being certified through ACMI, our containers and labels are tested and through CPSIA, we have independent third party labs testing for lead in any of our components. I would say now I have an entirely different appreciation for what small companies have to go through. I think as parents we just have to do our best to be informed so we can make the best decision for ourselves and kids.

Did you find it difficult to break into the kid’s toy/craft business?
Well yes in a sense, I was persistent. I remember “cold calling” the buyer a Top Ten Toys, telling her I was making this product. For obvious reasons she said they don’t purchase “homemade” things and that I would need to have all the CPSIA testing documentation for consideration. She was very up front about the federal requirements and with a kind smile I think she expected to just continue to see me as a customer perhaps not a future vendor. After some time I brought all the required documentation our original brown and white Muds was connected with a great rep of kids activity products and have not looked back.

What advice did you seek when starting out?
Be persistent, Max’s Mud was one of several business models I was looking at, I had a notebook of ideas for small businesses that I might start most based in the culinary world, I would weigh the pros and cons about manufacturing, shipping, even what the demo commitment might look like. Max’s Mud just started to become the most obvious choice and was most closely related to the culture of a business that I was interested in putting my and my families time into.

Starting out takes a lot of time, energy and commitment, I knew Max’s Mud was the right choice for us to pursue when I just couldn’t stop thinking about it, and the kids loved playing with it. I adjusted things along the way when I would get feedback from friends kids and suggestions on what would make it better. I am so fortunate to have my partner and husband Craig for support and without him I could not do it myself, he has allowed me to dream a little bigger and advises me to keep my feet on the ground at the same time. It is a partnership whether it is your spouse, friend, or family member have a game plan, a direction, re-evaluate as you go, be willing to adjust your dream.

What advice would you give to other mothers thinking about starting their own businesses?
We were really started on a shoestring, I like to say “one dry bottom” at a time. Our family budget is like so many others so as the boys got out of diapers a little more money was freed up in the budget! Write down your business plan, and everything you need to do to complete it. I would have these check lists and literally check off the most basic things one at a time.

Research all the hidden costs and don’t discount them, having a good lawyer to help you through setting up a business is a huge help, following your intuition in your branding is important because you do know your product the best.

Trying to keep a balance, it is so exciting to start something, but it can be addicting and can take precious time away from your family, so much of my research and tasks were done early in the morning or well after everyone went to bed.

What or who inspires you?
My boys, my husband, my family, my students and a really good sunrise out our kitchen window.

Where do you see yourself in five years?
Calm, enjoying our family. Giving back to those that have helped us along the way!

You can find Max’s Mud at various stores like Top Ten Toys and some Whole Foods.

Do you have a mommy-business or know of one? We’d love to feature them here at Seattle Mom Blogs! You can leave a comment below or

The first time I ever pondered the idea of letting one of my kids stay home alone…I nearly drove myself crazy with worry.  What if they burn the house down?  What if they hurt themselves?  What if they open the door to a stranger?  What if ?  What if?  What if?

So many what ifs!

My older children are both boys, with two completely different personalities.  One is fearless, the other is cautious.  One is adventurous, the other is less so.  One is a risk taker, the other is a rule follower.  They are both smart, sweet and caring – but one was definitely more ready than the other (based on personality alone) to tackle the job of being home without a parent.

I remember babysitting in the 5th and 6th grade…so I can’t understand why it was so hard for me to go through this milestone with my oldest.  Clearly, he was ready.  Heck, the kid could construct a water tight dwelling out of sticks and leaves in the middle of a field and cook his own macaroni and cheese – surely being home alone was not that big of a deal!  But still, it was hard (on me).   So, we took it step by step.

First, I would run down to the market (about a mile from our house) to pick up some milk or run to the post office to buy stamps – something that would not take more than 15 minutes to complete.  I learned right away that no, leaving him in charge of his brother and sister, was not going to be an option – so I would take the the other two with me.  And, just as I thought, that worked fine.  After doing this for a few months, we moved onto larger stretches of time.  Eventually, I could go to the grocery store without worrying and pulling my hair out thinking about whether or not he was going to be okay.  He proved himself every single time, and it was going well.  Now, since he gets out of school a full hour and a half before his brother does, if I’m out running errands and don’t make it home by the time he does, he will call me on my cell.  Right on the dot.  The phone will ring, I look down to see it’s coming from “HOME,” and I tell him when to expect me, see if he’s okay, ask him how his day was and basically make sure all is well.

This is what is working for us, right now.

My 5th grader still doesn’t want to be left home alone, and that’s fine.  He still takes the dog into the garage with him for Pete’s sake, so we’ll let him tell us when he’s ready.  But I think the main thing to remember, when thinking about leaving your kids home alone for the first time, is that each child is different.

It’s important to go over your “house” rules, talk about what they would do in different scenarios (for example, what to say when they answer the phone – a good thing to say if a caller asks for a parent who isn’t home is “she can’t come to the phone right now, can I take a message?”), and go over your expectations while listening to any concerns they might have about being home alone.  You will most likely be able to tell when it’s the right time by the clues your child gives you.  Listen to them, trust your instincts, and most of all – let them try by attempting small trips – or even by taking a walk around the neighborhood (your cell phone at the ready) while they stay home and “mind the fort,” so to speak.

They might surprise you.  They might be ready and they might not – either is okay.

But once they are ready, you can do a big ‘ol happy dance because that is one less person following you around the grocery store asking for bubble gum!

Carrie Blankenship is the author of the blog Stop Screaming I’m Driving, where she attempts to tell her story of motherhood. She likes long walks in the park, dancing in the rain, and can be bribed to do just about anyting with a vanilla latte, extra foam. Contact her with column suggestions or just say “hi” at carrieb[at]seattlemomblogs.com. Or, .

The winner of the free housecleaning is……

Posted by Michelle On January - 18 - 2010

img0043Thank you for such a HUGE response to Marne’s first EVER Housecleaning Give-Away!

After reading so many submissions, Marne found it nearly impossible to choose just ONE winner!  So…while your nomination may not appear as the first winner, stay tuned!  She will be doing more give-aways in the weeks to come.

Many of you nominated a friend or relative facing a difficult callenge.  Others of you thought about the people having a positive impact in our communities. All were very heartfelt descriptions of individuals that deserve a little pampering simply because of who they are!

That said…the winner of the Housecleaning Give-Away from Marne’s Housecleaning goes out to a Bothell Dad and his 2 teenage daughters! After losing their wife/mom to an incredible fight with cancer, they are doing their best to find their “new normal”. Her story is one of amazing strength and Marne and her team are excited to give them a DAY OFF from cleaning!!!   Congratulations!!

Thank you to all the SMB readers and members who nominated someone who they felt was deserving!

Friday Fitness Update

Posted by chrisp On January - 9 - 2010

(OK, it’s a day late, a dollar short, whatever)

So I’ve met with my new trainer twice now and I am so much happier.   It doesn’t hurt that I have a little crush on him.  A ridiculous crush as he’s 26 and in amazing shape.  Me?  I’m closing in on 40 and not in amazing shape.  But he’s whip smart, funny as hell and makes me laugh.  So, yes, these training sessions are going very well.

Unlike the last trainer, this one has mandated that we meet once a week.  I do the workout he designs for me once during the week and take his circuit training class once during the week as well.  I run a long marathon training run on the weekend and do a shorter run (7-8 miles) once during the week.  I do a 2nd circuit training class on the weekend.  That’s 6 days of working out.  The 7th day is supposed to be a rest day but the trainer (God, I need a name for him, let’s call him Sven (obv not his real name)) has finally come around to my way of thinking and has agreed to that I can do a swim workout on my “rest” day.  The swim workout is supposed to be light and not for training purposes so I’ve been swimming a 100 laps (2500 yards) but without pushing myself to do sprints.  I think of the first 1 mile open water swim on my 2010 schedule as I swim lap after lap after lap.  It helps pass the time.

So, my schedule looks like this right now:

M- strength program from Sven; T- circuit training with Sven; W- short run (7-8 miles); Th – workout with Sven; Fr- 2500 yard swim; Sat- circuit training; Sun- long run (12-20 miles)

That’s a lot of time for working out.  It’s a struggle to fit it all in but so far it’s working.  Unfortunately, I am now in physical therapy for my knee and shoulder injuries I suffered during my (embarrassing) fall during the Seattle Marathon.  My knee should be fine soon but my shoulder is a bit more problematic.  I have a strained supraspinatus and my shoulder joint is also impinged.  I went to physical therapy yesterday and the therapist did joint manipulation (ow!) and deep tissue massage (ow!) before setting me up on the machine (weird and ow!).  Add in weekly appointments with the nutritionist to learn the best way to fuel for training and my weeks are full.  Before I add in my full time job and the fact that I have a husband and 3 busy kids to take care of.

(Try calling bullshit on my workouts! Sorry, bad joke.  Email me if you don’t know what I’m referring to.)

So, this is the plan for now. Of course, life does happen and I’ll be out of town for a week and am not too sure how I’m going to manage everything.  I won’t be able to workout every day but I do plan to take my workout gear and do what I can, when I can. I’ll be back in 2 weeks with another update.  I know, that doesn’t make this a weekly update but I’m doing what I can here!   I’d love to hear from all of you as to your workouts, your time management strategies, etc.

An Update of Sorts and Some 2010 Goals

Posted by chrisp On January - 9 - 2010

(republished from 1/2/10)

Back in September, I started working out with a personal trainer.  I wrote about that trainer and my feelings about it.  As time went on, I knew she was working to protect my best interests and health but I wanted more.  I wanted to work out harder and longer and not take so many rest days. I actually hid from her one day when she had made me swear (including shaking hands) to take a rest day and I wanted to run instead. I kid you not. I snuck into the gym, went through the aqua center to the dark cardio theater and took a treadmill far from either entrance to avoid being caught.  That day I realized there was something wrong if I was lying to my trainer so that I could work out MORE.

I switched to a different trainer and had my first workout with him yesterday.  I. Am. So. Sore. today! Yes!  Mybody hurts from my neck all the way down through to my calves.  I love it.  This is what I was after- to work my body to a new level and push it to its limits.

I’m a little reluctant to put my 2010 goals on here but I’m going to do it.  If I don’t put them out there, where is my accountability, right?

1.     Marathons #5, 6, and 7: Yakima (March), Seattle Rock N Roll (June) and St Georges (October)

2.    At least two 1 mile open water swim races : Green Lake (June) and Seward Park (August)

3.    Better my time and placement in the 2 sprint triathlons from 2009: Sammamish (August) and Kirkland (September)

4.    An Olympic distance triathlon: not yet decided but summer 2010

5.    This is the big one: qualify for the 2011 Boston Marathon.  I need to run a 3:50 marathon in 2010 to qualify.

6.    This is the pipe dream: get into the 2010 NYC Marathon by lottery.  I entered in November and will find out in March if my lottery number was chosen.  Very slim chance.

Seattle Mom Blogs Biz: Shutterpated

Posted by Mona On January - 9 - 2010

We are featuring another creative mother, blogger and businesswoman–Marci Cheesebrough who runs her own photography business: Shutterpated. She gives us some insight on what it’s like in her home and behind the lens and lends some advice to other women who might be thinking of starting businesses of their own.


Tell me about yourself. Who makes up your family?
I have been married to my husband Erik for 13 years. He is a computer Hardware Engineer. Together we have 4 children. Quinlin, age 13, who has a syndrome called Cri du Chat. She was diagnosed at birth and has both physical and developmental disabilities. Max, who is 3. Zoey is 2. Penelope is 4 months. I am a stay at home mom and work my photography business on the side.

How long have you been a photographer?
In a way I’ve been a photographer since I was a teenager, capturing memories and documenting them through the pictures I would take, much like most of us do. I bought my DSLR camera about 18 months ago, and, with a lot of help from my husband and good friend Claire, got a crash course and started the business a few months later.

Who or what got you started in photography?
I have wanted to learn how to take better pictures of my kids and family for a long time. Buying a great camera and learning how to use it was on a list of “things to do before I’m 40″ that I posted in my blog when I first started blogging a few years ago. My good friend Claire Wilson, who is a photographer in Ireland, was visiting us about two years ago. She had been at a photography workshop in Las Vegas and popped up to Seattle for a visit. After she was here and showed us what she was doing, I thought, she is living my dream and what the heck, I’m going to go for it. I decided not to just stick my toes in the water, but jump in all the way. I learned fast on many friends and family and never looked back.

images by Shutterpated

What kind of equipment do you use?
Since I was not sure when I started, how this would go, I started with basics. I’m still using the original DSLR camera I bought 18 months ago, the Canon Rebel 450 with a 50mm 1.8f lens. I am planning on adding a wide angle and zoom lenses in the next few months. I also only shoot with natural light which means I don’t often use other lighting. I shoot outdoors or indoors with good window light.

What advice do you have for people starting out in photography?
I am pretty new at all this myself. But for starters I would say:

1. PRACTICE!!! I have learned the majority of what I know about photography from expereicne. Once you have learned how to use your camera, the rest is all trial and error. I have learned something from each session I do. I have learned what works what doesnt work.

2. It helps to be good with people. You can have great photography skills, but you need to make your subjects comfortable so they can look as natural as possible behind the camera.

3. Have fun.


What would you say to someone who just wants to take better photos?
Try taking photos without posing and forced smiles. Take pictures of your kids, friends, or family doing what they are doing, being themselves. Have your camera out and handy where you can quickly grab it fast so you can take pictures of the things that are happening. Most of the great images of my kids were taken just by being ready when they were being totally themselves.

If you want to take it to the next level, get a DSLR camera and learn how to use it…really use it. Many people have these big expensive cameras and galways use it on Auto. You can really take your pictures to the next level just by learning a bit about exposure and depth of field to help you tell the story.

Who inspires you?
My oldest daughter Quinlin really inspires me. Everything she does is hard for her. Things we find simple like walking and talking are challenging for her. She is constantly having to work extra hard and she still finds joy in life anyway. She works a zillion times harder everyday at things than I ever do, so when I feel like giving up, I think of her. She also loves the simple things. She helps put in perspective that small things can be big things too.

How do you manage time between your business and your family life if you’re a stay-at-home mom?
I work my business in when I can. My kids are small and take much of my time. I am able to schedule sessions around my husbands work schedule and then do a lot of the computer work at night when the kids are in bed. It can be a challenge when weeks are busy. The key for me is my husband who is a huge help and support. I feel like I’m in learning mode anyway, so I’m learning to be content with the small amount of time I have to work on my business, knowing my children will only be small for a short time. I’m growing my skills and business now as I go.


What advice would you give to other mothers out there who might want to start businesses of their own?
Find a mentor. Most likely someone else had done it and will save you a ton of time and effort sharing what they have already learned with you.

Go for it! You will never know unless you try!

Check out Marci’s blog and her business Shutterpated!

Do you have a mommy-business or know of one? We’d love to feature them here at Seattle Mom Blogs! You can leave a comment below or

Nominate someone today to WIN a free housecleaning!

Posted by Michelle On January - 7 - 2010

Seattle Mom Blogs has teamed up with our friend, Marne, of Marne’s Cleaning to bring you (or a friend of yours, really) a chance at an awesome giveaway!

Do you know someone who could use some extra hands around the house?   Did they make a New Years resolution to finally attack all those dust bunnies, but now they want someone else to do the dirty work?!  Did they have an especially rough 2009 and you want to lighten their load a little?  Did they just have a baby?  You get the idea…tell Marne why your person deserves some help in this area.

So pay it forward and nominate a friend or family member* today to win a complimentary cleaning!  Tell Marne why the person you nominate should win the prize and have Marne and her team come into their home and help them start 2010 fresh and clean!

Email your nomination BEFORE January 15th to (if you reference SMB in your email, then we will be able to post an update here if someone from our site nominated the winner!)

*If you are in cahoots with a friend and you want to team up and agree to nominate each other- go for it!

** Disclaimer- Nominations must live in Marne’s coverage area- Seattle Northward or on the Eastside (sorry South Sounders).