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Move It With The Imagination Movers (Bonus cd Giveaway)

Posted by Carrie On December - 9 - 2009

IM_Concert_tourLong before I started having children of my own to expose me to the wonderful world of kids music (think Barney here, and don’t run for the hills screaming and holding your head), I was really into music. I blame the great folks of Sesame Street for drilling that “sugar beet” song into my head and other catchy tunes. I remember spending countless hours huddled over my record player, lining up the needle just right to hear my favorite song again and again. And then came the musical “Annie,” which I completely and utterly lost my mind to. My grandparents took me to Seattle to see the live show. I wandered up to the orchestra pit and peered over the edge…finding out where all that music really came from. I hoped, deep down inside, that because I too had red hair, that people would mistake me for the actress in the movie and ask for my autograph…

Well, that never happened.

But, a love for live performance was born. It went nicely with my love of music and to this day I never turn down the offer to see a great band, singer or live show.

Seems I’m passing this along to my kids, which, despite my inability to help them with their math homework, makes me feel like I’m not messing up too bad in the parenting department, on a good day.

Well, let me tell you – not all childrens music is created equal. Not to sound negative, but I’ve had about all the Wiggles, Barney and Chipmunks that I can take – even on a really, really good day. And I struggle to find childrens music that we can all enjoy and appreciate (without the whole bleeding ears thing going on). It isn’t easy. But when I heard The Imagination Movers for the first time, I thought hey, these guys aren’t too shabby.  When their show held my daughter’s attention for more than 2 minutes so I could actually take a shower alone, I was ready to pledge my undying love to each one of those men in the blue suits on the Disney Channel. No kidding.

And now, after talking to Rich Collins, proud “mover” and father of five (yes five) on the phone, my status in my daughter’s eyes has risen to an all time high. I fear the day when I’ll have to top it because I know that day probably doesn’t exist. I’ve never spoken to a real, live childrens programming celebrity before and I didn’t know what to expect. Turns out I had nothing to worry about. Rich was polite, funny, smart and hey – he likes music even more than I do! He told me the story about how he and the other “movers” got started – they were all friends who enjoyed messing around with and listening to music and found themselves at that place where kids start happening and life starts happening (you know, when you’re done with your 20’s) and their group and concept was born. He told me how they had their first “musical performance” at a friend’s wedding shower, where they sang their own version of “Jack and Diane,” which immediately brought me back to a moment in my own childhood when my mom wouldn’t let me listen to that song because of the whole “got his hands between her knees” lyric.  But I didn’t mention that to Rich.

I asked what kind of movers the Imagination Movers were, because Katie really wanted to know.

“We move our minds, using our imaginations to solve problems,” Rich said, “encouraging kids to think, move around and figure things out.”

What other response would you expect from a father of five that tells Warehouse Mouse stories to his 3 year old daughter Sophie on a nightly basis?

The Movers music stems from a variety of genres and Rich explained how each member, Scott, Dave, and Smitty, contribute to the groups songs.  “We are just normal guys who love music,” he stated.  But “normal” is hardly what the Movers are.  When you listen to their latest cd, “For Those About to Hop,” you notice right away that this isn’t just any old kids music and these aren’t just your run-of-the-mill childrens performers.  The fresh beats and funky rhythms jump out from songs that are just the right length for kids, not too long and not too short.  Perfect dancing around the kitchen music, if you ask me.  I was a bit skeptical that they wouldn’t live up to the description that they draw some influence from bands like the Beastie Boys and the Red Hot Chili Peppers, but I was more than surprised.  This is music that we can all listen to, move around to, and even groove to in the car – which is where a lot of our time is spent.

The Imagination Movers are coming to Seattle on December 12th.  They are playing 2 shows at The Moore – click HERE for details and ticket pricing information.

And this is your lucky day!  I have generously been given 5 cds to giveaway.  The lucky winners will receive a copy of the Imagination Movers latest (and most awesome) release, “For Those About to Hop,” which will both thrill and delight any young fans you may have in your home and would make a terrific stocking stuffer.  Just leave a comment here and the winners will be randomly chosen by 12pm, Pacific time, December 12th – just in time to see the show.  Please either include your contact information (ie a working email address) in your comment or make sure it’s accessible via your profile.

Carrie Blankenship can be found most days wading through motherhood, fueld by vanilla lattes with extra foam, at her blog Stop Screaming I’m Driving.  She can also be found dancing around with her kindergartner at the Imagination Movers  concert this Saturday, December 12th.

11 Responses to “Move It With The Imagination Movers (Bonus cd Giveaway)”

  1. Carrie says:

    I’m not familiar with the Imagination Movers, but I have a feeling Ethan is going to start protesting against listening to NPR all the time pretty soon, so I need to have some good kids’ music on hand!

  2. Tracy says:

    Marisa is a huge fan of the Imagination Movers! We didn’t get tickets for the show unfortunately but the CD would be a big hit. Our fav is Smitty! ;)

  3. Isabel says:

    My kid loves “The Movers”. I can’t even decide if my favorite is Dave or Rich.

  4. My son is cuckoo for Imagination Movers (much more palatable than the Wiggles, in my opinion). He would LOVE to get this.

  5. Chris says:

    Thanks Carrie, You know you have become an engaged parent when you start uploading Phineas & Ferb and Imagination Movers on your ipod for family trips in the car! :) We love these boys and Dave’s resemblence to my childhood crush of Sean Austin helps!! :)

  6. Amie says:

    Both of my kids LOVE the Imagination Movers! I can even stand sitting and watching it, sometimes even find myself singing along! Love watching my kids dance and sing to them! Will have to look into getting them tickets!

  7. Angie says:

    My daughter would love this! ;)

  8. kristin says:

    I’m not entering but wanted to say Carrie did a fabulous writeup.

  9. daring one says:

    Non-annoying kids’ music is a passion of mine.

  10. Sheila says:

    My boys love, love, love the Imagination Movers!! They have the theme song memorized. :) I wish the concert was cheaper and we’d be there, for sure.

  11. Lisita says:

    Never heard their music but would love to!