
Seattle Mom Blogs

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I Guess I’m Not Done for the Season Yet After All

Posted by chrisp On November - 8 - 2009

So I thought I was done with the training for marathons and triathlons until next spring.  And then I went and registered for the Seattle Marathon which is 3 weeks from today.  Yes, 3 weeks.  And yes, I may bit a bit insane.

My trainer, who is running the Seattle Half, was dead set against me running the race at all.  Apparently I have been over training which has resulted in stalled weight loss progress.  So, I’m going to try and respect the rest days on my schedule and really try and do the shorter, less instense workouts she plans, instead of always feeling like I have to kick it up a notch.  And, I am going to start seeing a nutritionist as of this week.  So, I am doing all of that and in exchange, she didn’t give me a hard time about registering and running the marathon against her advice.  Whew.

One Response to “I Guess I’m Not Done for the Season Yet After All”

  1. Woohoo! You go girl! I’ll be doing the half and bowing down to you and all the other full runners!