
Seattle Mom Blogs

A Community for Blogging Mothers in Greater Seattle and the East Side

Archive for October, 2009

Win a Portrait Session for the Holidays!

Posted by Michelle On October - 30 - 2009

Boy do we have an AMAZING giveaway for you just in time for the Holidays!!  Enter for a chance to win one of two fabulous portrait session packages with Rebecca Ellison Photography!

Grand Prize: The “Family Day” session value is $500 and
description is:
This package is designed for a more relaxed, interactive family session. We plan an activity for the whole family to do and spend three hours hanging out, playing and interacting while I capture the time. We can plan a picnic, a day at the park flying kites, a trip to the beach, or any other fun activity that will bring the entire family together, having a good time.
I try to interfere as little as possible, but will work with wh
ere the location and activities will happen to get the best light possible. This session is more about getting the true personality ​of your family, than staged or posed images.
At the end of the session, you will receive a custom 20 page custom album of your fam
ily day as a keepsake.

lg logo

Second Prize:  The “Family Session”  value is $250 and description is:
​This is a more traditional family session. You receive an hour and a half photo session with Rebecca at your house or an outside location in the Seattle area. Traditional and interactive images are captured, with an emphasis more on the traditional family images. You will also receive a $100 print credit.

Check out her portfolio, she does an amazing job!

To enter:  Leave a comment below (entrants MUST be near the Seattle area).  One entry per person…UNLESS, you link to this contest on Facebook or Twitter, then you can enter twice by leaving a second comment letting us know how you told your friends.

A random winner will be chosen on Nov 8th using Randomizer.org.  If you win and would like your images before the holidays, you need to schedule your photo session with Rebecca within a week of the contest end date to ensure that the photos will be available for the holidays.

Good luck and spread the word!

The DonorsChoose Social Media Challenge!

Posted by Mona On October - 24 - 2009

This is posted on behalf of JennyOnTheSpot.

the kiddos

Alright ladies. This one is for the children… and the teachers… therefore… the future! As usual, I am keeping things very non-dramatic. Look… the children…

Have I pulled your tender mommy heart-strings?

I was contacted by BlogHer a few weeks back. I was asked to be part of selecting local projects for their DonorsChoose Social Media Challenge

DonorsChoose is an online charity that makes it easy for everyone to help fund educational projects around the country. During the Social Media Challenge bloggers, Tweeters, Facebookers, (and BlogHers) will come together to raise money that goes straight to the place it’s needed the most – the classroom.

Last year, bloggers raised more than $275,000 and helped fund projects in 65,000 public schools.

Here’s the deal – we need to spread the word! There are 4 Seattle-area projects highlighted in this challenge! All in high- poverty level schools:

  • A listening center for first graders
  • Books for a third grade classroom library
  • Dry erase boards for a fifth grade classroom
  • 15 piano keyboards for a high school music class

Friends. Women. Moms… Former students… Would you mind spreading the word? Would you mind making a donation yourself? I know times are tight… but there are several ways to help!

  • Share this project on your blogs!
  • Tweet it!
  • Facebook it!
  • Might you put the widget on your own blog?
  • Donate!

There are projects from across the country highlighted in BlogHer’s effort. The really neat thing here is projects from our own local schools are included! Let’s make a showing here – for the kids, for Seattle! Go grab a widget for our local Seattle giving page and put it in your side bar or feature it in a post! Pretty please? I’ll make it easy on you – click here for the widget page.

I’ll even spray you with glitter if you need that extra “umph”. On your mark. Get set…. GO!

Disney on Ice- Worlds of Fantasy!

Posted by Michelle On October - 23 - 2009

Comcast Arena in Everett is pleased to present Disney on Ice Worlds of Fantasy November 5th-8th.  We are excited to be able to offer our readers a discount!  Go here and enter the promo code:  MOM to book your tickets.

Fine dining for families at QFC (Plus a giveaway!)

Posted by Mona On October - 18 - 2009

A small group of Seattle mom bloggers were granted a behind-the-scenes tour of the QFC grocery store in Seattle’s University Village for QFC’s Very Important Blogger Event (V.I.B.E). I work nearby so I have frequented the aisles of this particular store, buying hot clam chowder for lunch or taking home a bag of oranges as big as baboon hearts (though much more delicious, I’d imagine).

I had never really thought about what goes into the business of a grocery store. I make my decisions with my wallet, choosing where I can satisfy my cheapskate brain while making my growing pregnant belly happy. There have been many nights where I’ve taken credit for the mushroom meatloaf I’ve picked up at the QFC meat department, so when my husband asks how I was able to make such a “special dinner” after working all day, I say, “Oh it’s nothing! Just something I put together because I AM SELFLESS.” So I had been very thankful to QFC for letting me feign real work while making a deposit in my SUPERIOR TO MY HUSBAND account.

We were led through the store’s different sections and learned that QFC offers flowers from local wholesalers and there are no mega-cryogenic-sized freezers in the back of the store, so all product is turned out quickly. Everything is fresh and updated daily, providing customers with a constantly new selection. We were given a glimpse into the meat selection and the Chef’s Express section, a line of affordable prepared dishes such as mushroom meatloaf, stuffed pork chops, and kalbi marinated flank steak.

For those families conscious of allergies and cross-contamination, QFC makes it easy to choose foods right for their home. We learned that for those people concerned about ingredients, labels can be easily printed out on request without purchasing an item.

QFC President Donna Gjordano

After a tour through other sections like the vast wine department and the Wellness center (which featured a brand new touch-screen computer that finds vitamins, recipes, and more) we were led upstairs for a tasting from the areas we had just visited. We also spoke with some of the QFC execs who are all moms themselves and were interested to find out about what makes bloggers tick and to answer our questions about QFC.

Lew, the meat genius

Here is Lew talking about the layers in meat, the marbling, and fat content that makes it extremely delicious. He was a veritable fount of flank steak wisdom, sharing carving techniques and different ways to prepare the meat. Unfortunately, I captured him in a moment that looks more like he’s explaining that this is the church, here is the steeple, open up the doors and there’s all the people!

Some pictures of the dishes we tasted, or in my case, devoured until I was tempted to lick the plate clean:

chicken parmesan with marinara sauce

chicken florentine

fruit flan

kalbi flank steak with garlic mashed potatoes and valencia green beans

My favorite dish was by far the kalbi marinated flank steak, prepared with garlic mashed potatoes and Valencia green beans. The sweet, savory juicy “meat candy” was incredibly rich without being heavy. I loved every bite and when I was offered seconds, I just shot a look that repeated what was already going through my head, “YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY! I GOT LOVE IN MY TUMMY”

All of these dishes are available in the deli section, meat department, and bakery which means that I can again pretend that I slaved over a hot stove for chicken florentine, poured my blood, sweat and tears into a pesto and pea salad and worked until my bony fingers gave out over fruit flan. Who needs to know that I didn’t exactly make this macadamia nut flan with white chocolate shavings?

white chocolate macadamia nut flan

The dinner was so delicious, it was like I had forgotten that there was life outside those meeting doors, like when you walk into a casino and can’t see the clocks, so you’re thinking, what’s a few dollars at this slot machine and then you’re calling the benefits office at your work trying to find out if they can wire what’s left in your retirement account to the casino. It was like I entered a food trance and I still can’t believe that I can make a food lineup like this on my own. All I have to do is visit QFC and I can replicate this entire smorgasbord and keep my nest egg in tact.

the ladies

I was so glad to spend an evening with Stacey, Carrie, Alexis, Kim, Shannon and Angie. We are busy, budget-minded and demand quality without hassle. And we love food. It was great to know how QFC appeals to our varied needs, and not just for frazzled moms, anyone needing convenient and mouth-watering meals can enjoy. I wish I had known what they offered back when I was in college and survived on frozen pizzas and dinners I had to pull out of the microwave half-way and stir. Never again!

In addition to the free dinner, we received a gift bag of various Kroger brand items, coupons and a $25 gift card. AND SUPER BONUS! We have a $25 gift card to QFC to give away to a lucky Seattle Mom Blogs reader! All you have to do is leave one comment by October 30, 2009 by 5 PM PST. The cold, unfeeling random integer generator will choose and we will contact the winner. Winners will have 48 hours to respond or we will choose another person. Good luck!

4 hours 13 minutes

Posted by chrisp On October - 4 - 2009

Didn’t break 4 hours.  Started out well as I ran the first half in 1:58 but the hill up to mile marker 17 tapped out my legs.  Oh well, still a personal best for me.  And 36 minutes faster than the race one year ago.  Will post more later.  Am WAY TOO tired after driving right back to Seattle after the race.

The Day is Almost Here

Posted by chrisp On October - 3 - 2009

It’s 9 am on Saturday and I am still in my pyjamas, sitting on the couch with my laptop and a cup of coffee.  I need to go shower and pack as I am leaving for Portland in less than an hour.  Yep, tomorrow is the day: Portland Marathon.

Tomorrow marks one day since I ran my first marathon.  In the past 12 months, I will have run 3 marathons, a half marathon, done my first open water 1/2 mile swim race and my first and second triathlons.  Almost all of those races were actually done in the past 3 months.

L and I have set a goal to run the marathon tomorrow in under 4 hours.  A goal that is more than likely impossible at this point but one that we are going to shoot for.  I’m going to give my Blackberry to my fantastic friend, Debie, who may live Tweet updates on the race from my Twitter account.

Regardless of whether or not we are able to finish in under 4 hours, the whole thing will be over in less than 27 hours from now.  Here’s to shooting for impossible goals!