
Seattle Mom Blogs

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Let’s Talk About Training for Triathlons and Marathons

Posted by chrisp On September - 6 - 2009

At the end of July, I was tempted to sign up for a sprint triathlon. With some urging from my husband who has been doing triathlons for a couple of years, I took the plunge and signed up for one. In August. Nothing like jumping right in and going for it, right? I got my hands on a carbon bike, thanks to my parents, and picked Jenny’s brain for any tips and advice I could get. She was not only full of great advice and encouragement, she also loaned me her tri-suit.

At first, the idea of standing around, not to mention cycling and running in what is essentially a spandex romper was a No. Go. for me. But then I decided I could always throw a t-shirt and running shorts over it after the swim and that worked for me.

So, my idea of training for the triathlon, on days off from training for the upcoming marathon, was to go once to the pool and swim a 1/2 mile, do one 1/2 mile open swim race and do one 20 mile bike ride (on a new bike, remember) followed by a 3 mile run. Actually, it was far less of a 3 mile run and more like a slow and painful 2 mile shuffle followed by a 1 mile slow jog as the blood slowly made its way back into my quads.

Triathlon day arrived bright and early (we left the house at 5:45 am) and… rainy. Yes, after about 3 solid months of sunshine in the Seattle area, it rained and rained only during the hours leading up and during the triathlon. At first I was worried but then I figured I would be wet anyway as the first event is the swim. So- let’s cut to chase. I swam, transitioned, rode, transitioned and then ran. It. Was. So. Much. Fun. And I actually had a decent time and place, especially for my first triathlon.

And then I came home and immediately signed up for another triathlon in 2 weeks; this one with a swim that is twice as long and with a hilly bike course. Yep, I’m hooked. Of course, I haven’t swam or ridden my bike since the race last weekend.

BUT, I have been running. Because not only am I doing this 2nd triathlon, I am also running the Portland Marathon again in 4 weeks. I’ve already done most of the training this summer and am now looking at one more 20 mile run next weekend and then the taper up to the race. I do have to say, although I’m loving all of the different workouts my muscles are getting between circuit training several times a week, short speed runs 4-5 times a week, swimming and biking and one LONG ASS run on the weekends, I am getting tired.

My schedule for the next 4 weekends looks like this: 15 mile run today (check!), bike and swim training tomorrow, bike 20 miles + immediately run 3 miles (this is called a “brick”, did you know that? I didn’t until just recently. And it HURTS.) on Monday. Then a 20 mile run next weekend plus a swim if I can fit it in. The following weekend is the triathlon AND a 9 mile run, both on Sunday. Yes, I too think that is stupid but such is the way my schedule pans out. Then a 6 mile run the following weekend which is the last “long” (not really long at that point) run before the marathon the following weekend. Plus circuit training and treadmill runs during the week and hopefully some early morning time in the pool to get ready for the longer swim race.

And then some rest. I think. Of course, I also just signed up for the Winter Pineapple Classic as part of a work team. And, even more exciting? This amazing relay race. I’m in the process of putting together a team to run the 187 miles Ragnar Relay and Jenny, my running partner L and my husband are all on board. It’s 10 months away and I’m already so excited.

Of course, the Seattle Rock N Roll Marathon (I ran this race this year) is one month before and we are trying to fit a family trip to London and Paris in between the Rock N Roll Marathon and the Ragnar Relay. Which reminds me, work really does get in the way of actually living life. Which kind of sucks.

3 Responses to “Let’s Talk About Training for Triathlons and Marathons”

  1. Kerrie says:

    Dang! You don’t mess around! I started training for a marathon 51 days ago now and I’m thinking marathon in spring or summer 2010! I am doing the Seattle Half in November, though, and that will be the farthest I’ve ever gone. (I’m blogging about training at http://momvsmarathon.blogspot.com.) Great job on the tri!

  2. Chris, that sounds about how I trained for my first sprint triathlon! Best of luck to you in your upcoming tris and marathon as well. If you want, check out my site for a free sprint triathlon training guide that may help you for your next sprint triathlon.

  3. Girl. You be an animal *growl* woman! I can’t wait for Ragnar! It’s gonna rock!

    Also, LOVED reading your post about you falling in love with triathlons. I love them to *swoon*