
Seattle Mom Blogs

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It’s Like I’m Someone Else

Posted by chrisp On September - 11 - 2009

In July and August, I started taking some steps to get to a new, healthier me.  In all aspects of my life.  But…

I may have taken it too far one day when I signed up for a fitness evaluation at the gym.  For 5 years I have avoided the initial free consultation with a trainer.   I decided to avoid it no more.  Back at the beginning of August, I agreed to a fitness evaluation and set a time and date with a trainer.  At that time, the 2nd week of September was weeks! away!  And then suddenly it was today.

Despite my anxiety freak-out this morning over voluntarily being weighed, measured and evaluated by a stranger, it went fine.  The trainer was nice and, even though she is young, she seemed knowledgeable enough.  I liked that she focused on my goals, and really incorporated them into our discussion and her initial set of exercises.  I’ve decided to have her put together a good cardio/weight program that I can do by myself at the gym on the days I can’t make it to circuit training or am not training for the marathon/triathlon.  And then I think I’ll check in with her once a month for accountability.

This is unbelievable progress for me.  Do I dare say that I may be seeing some signed of some “personal growth” going on?

One Response to “It’s Like I’m Someone Else”

  1. Jennifer says:

    I remember ages back when I joined Curves. I wanted to go because it was easy and I could trick myself into thinking I lost weight after 20 minutes of walking in place beside old women in sparkly matched track suits. They kept asking me to be measured, weighed whatever. And I thought – but I’ve been coming here for x amount of months now. I’ve convinced myself I lost twenty pounds. Why can’t you just leave well enough alone? So I quit.

    Kudos to you. Brave indeed.