On Wednesday night, some Seattle-area bloggers, moms and mom bloggers were invited to a night of pampering courtesy of 5 Minutes for Mom and Pledge. It was held at the aptly-named Swoon Boutique Spa in Capitol Hill, where the guests were treated to free manicures, pedicures and massages. I don’t have enough exclamation points to describe how luxurious it was to even be offered such a beauty-trio, and on top of that, all of our laptops were given some pampering, too, thanks to Pledge Multi-Surface.
I was very happy to meet some local bloggers, some of whom I have only met twice or only seen on the internet. Who knew that these were very real (and ) women existed outside of their internet spaces? I love meeting bloggers, especially female bloggers, because it’s nice to have a conversation with people who “get” it; people to whom you don’t have to explain what twitter is, who Dooce is, and how weird it is when your elementary school classmate super pokes you on Facebook.
I signed up first for the pedicure because I knew it was my most urgent of the beauty procedures. The last pedicure I had was in 2006, shortly before I gave birth to my son and my boss at the time mentioned that fire-engine red toe nails would be a good touch since everyone would be looking at my feet. Though I can assure you, my feet were not the focal point in any of those 12 hours. The beautician did wonders to my huge Shrek-like feet. What’s it like to have feet like Shrek? Imagine leaving footprints that would make a dinosaur crater seem tiny.
maggie isn't hiding at all
It was also a first pedicure for Maggie from Mighty Maggie, whom I have coerced into being my best friend. Don’t you see how she loves that I’m sticking a huge camera lens in her face and telling her to act natural! Like I’m not even there! I’m so stealth!
ellen snaps a shot
susan tweets
It’s just like bloggers to immediately broadcast their experiences on twitter. What did we do before twitter? I think I just stuck my head out the window and yelled, “HEY, MY KID JUST POOPED AGAIN!” or hollered in the grocery aisles, “O-M-G BACON! NOM NOM NOM!”
good times
stacia and wendi
It was a great night even though we had to pour out a little lavender lemonade on the ground–gangsta style–to remember our sick homie, Leslie who could not make it.
swooning for pledge
We also left a with a goodie bag with Pledge Multi-Surface cleaning tools, plus a Pledge flash drive which hosted product info and a survey to find out what kind of cleaner are you. You can also take this quiz on their website. I’m more of a follow-the-leader cleaner, which means, I wait until my very spic-and-span husband walks through the house bellowing, “THERE’S A TRAIL OF MONA HERE!” or waves his hands over my various piles and says, “What are we going to do about this?” Hopefully, with Pledge, I won’t have to wait until my husband is giving me dirty looks before I work on making my house sparkle.
Check out more photos of our debauchery (okay, debauchery with a small “d”) here in my .
You can read Mona’s personal blog , which means “favorite child” in her native language, Chamorro. She doesn’t mind explaining this to people because she’s just keeping it real, yo. She also hopes to have another manicure in the future, perhaps before her three-year-old graduates from high school.