
Seattle Mom Blogs

A Community for Blogging Mothers in Greater Seattle and the East Side


Posted by laurayo On April - 3 - 2009

wootI love finding hot deals and I love saving a dime.  I always have, but now it seems like it is the cool and trendy thing.  Well that’s what I tell myself.

I no longer feel embarrassed when I whip out my envelope full of coupons to save a dime.  In fact people now look in awe and want to be me.  They want to know how I just saved a whopping $3.00.  Okay.  Maybe not, but it does seem that everyone is using coupons and it’s not just me anymore.

Thanks to a Facebook friend I just discovered a new website with daily savings.  Woot!  No really it is called Woot.  This site features a Daily WootShirt Woot and a Wine Woot.

Check it out and if you were looking for a new Dyson Vacuum.  Well today is your lucky day!

4 Responses to “WOOT!”

  1. mattw says:

    don’t forget sellout.woot.com

    also, if you’re on the lookout for outdoor gear or clothing, check out steepandcheap.com

    all of them are on my daily rotation.

  2. Oh, I just found it from a FB friend to. It rawks! Woot!

  3. Laura says:

    AWESOME! Thanks for the info. $1.99 portable Hibachi grill?! You are my people.

  4. Thanks for passing on the loot-finding woot!!

    (Shameless Self-Promotion: check out my site mombite.com, featuring Mompreneur success stories and money making ideas for moms!)