
Seattle Mom Blogs

A Community for Blogging Mothers in Greater Seattle and the East Side

Walk For Maddie

Posted by Seattle Mom Blogs On April - 13 - 2009

The Internet has been shaken by the death of a lovely and amazing little girl, Maddie Spohr. The thing about blogging is that you can know, and love, people you may never have met in person. I was lucky enough to meet Heather in person in room 704 at Blissdom where we found a quick affinity for whiskey together. “I like her!” I said as I turned to “Vdog.” She laughed. “I know, right?”

The rest is history.

maddieWhen someone you only briefly met, but read, has a tragedy, it hits so close to home it’s as real as any life experience. To know someone is suffering the worst kind of suffer, the loss of a child, makes you forgot your relationship is based on ASCII characters and code. Instead, it becomes very obvious how strong this online community really is and the love that can poor from the people sitting at their computers is as real as an actual hug, tears and all.

On April 6th, Heather and Mike rushed their daughter, 17 month old Maddie, to the hospital. We read as Maddie fell ill on Saturday and left comments for Heather, Mike, and Maddie to get well! We’re here! The internet loves you!

We watched and waited.

When the tweet (and blog post) came that she had passed away, April 7th, there was shock, denial, tears and finally: action. The Internet pulled together an d raised over $25,000 in honor of Maddie for March of Dimes. Blogs started turning purple in honor of Maddie. Teams are being formed in her honor.

Seattle, we have a team to walk in the March of Dimes for Maddie Spohr and all the preemies who need extra special care.

Please consider walking with us. If you’re unable to walk, then maybe give a few dollars to the March Of Dimes. I don’t ask for donations in my own life but for the lives of those preemies and those who lost babies and children, I can certainly beg.

We, at Room 704 and the Mamaspod girls are making purple bracelets and earings as donations for purchase. All profits go to the Spohr family to help with memorial service and burial costs. If you’d like to join with us on the walk, please consider purchasing a purple earing or bracelet. We’ll be wearing purple in honor of Maddie (and if there’s interest, I may have some t-shirts made up) so let me know ahead of time.

Join our team in person or in spirit. I know she is an LA girl, but she’s effected us up here in Seattle as we, moms and daughters and friends, can feel the weight of such a loss. I’m walking for Maddie and for my own preemie son, Owen, who is one gigantic two year old now and I will never ever take his life for granted.


I hope you’ll consider joining us!

Details: Qwest Field
May 3, 2009
Qwest Field

Seattle, WA 98134

Walk Distance: 3.5 miles
Registration Time: 8:00AM
Start Time: 9:30 AM
Chapter: Greater Puget Sound Division
Phone #:

Read more of Leslie’s sarcastic blahblablah at Mrs. Flinger and find podcast reviews, interviews, crafts, events and topics for the Seattle Parent at Mamaspod.Com.

One Response to “Walk For Maddie”

  1. Alicen says:

    It always, saddens me to see articles about toddlers and infants who are ill but cheers me up to see the mothers who are behind them are so supportive