
Seattle Mom Blogs

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Greening up Seattle, One Raindrop at a Time

Posted by Carrie On April - 4 - 2009

march-09-1-0383As I sit, laundry spinning away, at weeks end of what has been the soggiest “Spring Break” on record, I can’t help but find the irony in the blue skies that have suddenly decided to show themselves. Oh yes, there they are on this next to last day of “raincation,” mocking us with their high clouds and warmth (yes, actual warmth) generated by the sun.

You all know what I’m talking about.

Yes, we live in the land of rain. I’ve lived here for nearly all of my 35 years, it should be no surprise. Yet I think we can all agree that there was something special about these past few weeks in regards to the weather. We saw snow, we saw rain, we saw hail and I swear to you on my granny’s underpants that I saw a mini twister in my neighborhood the other day. Yes, it’s been a wacky and wild spring so far. Which makes me wonder, “What else does Mother Nature have in store for us before summer finally makes an appearance?”

I’m almost afraid to ask.

A few days ago I changed my Facebook status to read: Carrie is trying to find the good in all this rain.

I know, I know – posting about the weather is just about the lamest thing one can do, but I had reached the end of my rope. I could not log onto Facebook and not see a sentence from a fellow Pacific Northwesterner that did not have something to do with the weather. So I caved. But in doing so, some wise people left me with tidbits that not only made me smile, but made me grateful for these all to frequent soggy days that grace our region, because without them we would not have the following:

Lush green grass
Beautiful flowers (Hello! Tulips are right around the corner!)
Evergreen trees
Excuses not to do yardwork when it’s raining cats and dogs

You see? There is a silver lining to every single raindrop that falls from our skies.

What do you love about the rain? (And no, this isn’t a joke)

Carrie can be found pulling her hair out on her personal blog Stop Screaming I’m Driving!  She takes offers of free babysitting and lattes very seriously.  You can reach her at carrieb[at]seattlemomblogs.com or editor[at]seattlemomblogs.com.

One Response to “Greening up Seattle, One Raindrop at a Time”

  1. Michelle says:

    I love it when I am lounging in a warm bath and the rain is tap-tap-tapping on the skylight in the bathroom. It is so relaxing! My 4 year old says, “PUDDLES!”- he loves donning his rain boots and heading out for a new good stomps.