
Seattle Mom Blogs

A Community for Blogging Mothers in Greater Seattle and the East Side

Hi there. No no, don’t worry, I’m not here to judge you for not working out this morning or drinking your third latte today. (I see you, I don’t judge :: setting down my third latte today ::) But see, a while back Jenny offered to let me post about a new adventure I started for local Seattle moms. And, well, it’s only been four months and now I’m ready to tell you about it.


We just launched version 2 of our podcasting site. We’re hoping to continue providing podcast reviews of local things to do or issues we deal with as Seattle moms with preschoolers. If you have any input or want to see something reviewed (or suggestions) you can call in to our show (!!) (Oh, comeon, I know you want to!) or email me at

Come on by. We’re looking for more posts to highlight and, naturally, are starting here with the blogroll at Seattle Mom Blogs. Because this is where Seattle Moms come to .. well.. blog. And I promise to be even more cheesy by voice.

Next up on your Fitness Segment: Cardio vs Weights. Pros and Cons of training like Aunald.

One Response to “ppssttt, momentarily resuming your regularly scheduled posting…”

  1. Crupepipt says:

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    My operation system is Windows XP.