
Seattle Mom Blogs

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Cooking Green – Giveaway

Posted by Daring One On March - 19 - 2008

Today I want to share a great new idea for cooking for your family in greener way. Im not talking about leprechauns or even organic vegetables. Im talking about GreenPans, pans that use 50% less energy in manufacturing than other non-stick pans.

They are also the first line of cookware using a non-stick coating thats free of toxic chemicals that can be released into your food and into the air. They can cook at temperatures up to 800F without releasing anything harmful. I find this awesome because not only do they meet my criteria for healthier cooking, but theyre also dishwasher safe, something that drives me nuts about my current non-stick cookware.

I read about these pans in a magazine this month and was really impressed by them. My naturopath has been trying to get me to stop cooking with Teflon but I was having a hard time finding a solid alternative. At this point I think Ive found it and as soon as I have enough budget money set aside, Ill snag a set. Its not that theyre expensive. In fact, theyre quite reasonably priced. Ive just been spending too much money buying Cadbury MiniEggs lately. Tis the season.

Good news for you though. This week Im giving away one 6-piece set of cookware from the good folks at GreenPan. You can get the pans for free and keep your money to buy as many chocolate eggs as you like.

To enter this giveaway, leave a comment on this post and Ill randomly pick a winner at midnight on Saturday night PST. Good luck and if you win I expect you to let me borrow them!

A co-founder of Seattle Mom Blogs, professional blogger Kathryn Thompson writes too much at Daring Young Mom, The Parenting Post, and anywhere else people are willing to read. She enjoys eating cheese and playing high stakes Uno with 4-year-olds. If youre cute enough, she will probably blow on your tummy unmercifully. You can contact Kathryn by email – kathryn [at] seattlemomblogs.com.

216 Responses to “Cooking Green – Giveaway”

  1. Robin says:

    My 16yo son just burned up my small skillet and threw it away, without even telling me! I would love to have these pans…of course, I would have to hide them from him!

  2. Naomi says:

    I would love to be able to pitch the old pans, with their coating coming off every time we cook…

  3. Jennifer says:

    I really need new pans! I got some when I got married that were supposed to be good, but, well, not so much.

  4. Karen L says:

    I had no idea such a thing even existed – what an awesome idea! I’d love to win this.

  5. Abigail says:

    These would be the perfect thing for us to take to Germany (hubby is being stationed there, air force)! He doesn’t know it yet but we’re going green!

  6. Mary B says:

    These would be wonderful! Love the concept!

  7. I love these! I would love to win a set of these great pans for my family. I have a family of 9 now, and we always are looking for a way to cut down on waste, airborne and otherwise!

    Thank you!

  8. Faith says:

    You mean that they now make safe non-stick pans and I would no longer have to spend HOURS upon HOURS scrubbing my stainless set before putting them in the dishwasher?!?!?
    Can I please win so that I can for the first time in 4 years not have wrikly old lady hands from doing dishes and washing up after changing diapers? (Now that Toddler is potty trained it is like Heaven.) And I know that my single brother in law who is in cullinary school would love my stainless set – you know because he likes to recycle and is a snob.

  9. Surcie says:

    I had no idea something like this even existed! If I had them, I’d have to stop using “fear of exposure to perfluorooctanoic acid” as the excuse for why I hardly ever cook!

  10. Meg says:

    I so need new pans!!!

  11. Megan says:

    Wow, what a great set! I would love a new set of pans!

  12. Jackie says:

    Wow. These sound awesome! Me, please!!

  13. vanessa says:

    I’ve been needing to get rid of my old nonstick stuff- it would be great to get some new healthy cookware!

  14. Oh, could we ever use these.

    And I promise to let you borrow them. Really.

  15. jocole says:

    wow i had never heard of those!! AMAZING!

  16. Kimberly McBride says:

    I just lamented the fact that my pans left really awful silver flakes in my jello mixture tonight. I could REALLY use new pans. PLEASE PICK ME PLEASE PICK ME!!!