
Seattle Mom Blogs

A Community for Blogging Mothers in Greater Seattle and the East Side

Moms Like Sex Too: Let’s Talk about Sex, Ba-by

Posted by Happily Even After On October - 25 - 2007

It used to be that my girlfriends and I talked about the stuff that really mattered in life: sex, love, relationships, sex, anything-NPR, sex, where-to-get-cute-clothes-cheap, relationships, love, and sex. Nowadays, it seems like the most titillating part of the convo has been mislaid (so to speak) in favor of a new hot topic: Kids. In fact, along with blogs and , kids are one of the things we here at Seattle Mom Blogs all have in common.

But Im one of those immature, gutter-minded gals who thinks talking about sex is about as much fun as laughing at fart jokes. (Translation: I LIKE talking about sex.) And even if my fellow Moms dont go in for humor circa seventh grade, sex is what got most of us in this position in the first place. Which means that we also ipso facto have SEX in common.

So I think we should talk about it.

Now dont get me wrong, I like discussing the dishwasherability of baby bottles as much as the next Mom. But somewhere along the way, I started missing those steamy conversations with the grrls about all things sensual. And I began wondering where those conversations (along with my sexy lingerie) had slunk off to.

Here’s what I realized: Juicy conversations with my friends actually started waning when things got serious with the . Before then, I was more loyal to my girlfriends than the flavor of the month, and so conversations about size, stamina, hairy backs and so forth were fair game. But then things like discretion and respect and trust came into play. And sex talk went from spicy-hot to medium-mild. Even so, my girlfriends and I were clever and creative; we figured out how to pepper our conversations with sex (as a topic) without being disloyal or disrespectful or creepy.

That is, until the came along. Becoming a Mom was definitely the death knell of sex conversations. Not because I became even more private (nothing like a discussion about cervical dilation to open things up) but because of one naked fact: Who has time anymore? Its hard enough to arrange to SEE my girlfriends, let alone see them sans kids, in a private, comfy place, with enough wine and ice cream and laughter to get the sex talk flowing freely.

Which is where this column for Seattle Mom Blogs comes in. Because if we cant all sip wine and discuss sex in the comfort of MY living room, then lets do it in our own, separate living roomsvirtually.

And dont worry: I am neither bold nor creepy enough to blog about my own personal sex life or my husbands (VERY LARGE) shoe size in this column. What I will blog about are the ups and downs, ins and outs of sex and motherhoodbased on news articles, facts and stats, titillating trivia, and, of course, girl talk. So please, if you have a question, topic idea, or bit o news about sex and moms, by all means, pass it on.

So curl up with your laptops, Ladies. Grab your hot dates Ben & Jerry. And get ready to indulge in a little harmless pleasure. In George Michaels words, Lets talk about sex, ba-by. Because, after all, Moms like sex too.

I got a good catch!Writer and mom Janna Cawrse is writing a relationship memoir called The Motion of the Ocean: 1 Small Boat, 2 Average Lovers, and the World’s Longest Honeymoon (Touchstone Fireside, summer 2009). You can read more about relationships at her Seattle Post-Intelligencer blog . If you have questions or topic ideas for Moms Like Sex Too, email janna [at] seattlemomblogs.com.

4 Responses to “Moms Like Sex Too: Let’s Talk about Sex, Ba-by”

  1. Bananas says:

    GREAT topic… and you’re right, one that has fallen nearly off my radar of conversation material. Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us!

  2. Marsha says:

    I can’t wait for more!

  3. Carrie says:

    Bring it on! And — am I the only one also thinking of that “Let’s talk about sex, baby, let’s talk about you and me – let’s talk about all the good things and the bad things it can be . . . let’s talk about sex . . .” That song has been stuck in my head since I read this post! :)

  4. Jane says:

    This should be good!! Maybe this will help me get my man more “up” to the task!