
Seattle Mom Blogs

A Community for Blogging Mothers in Greater Seattle and the East Side

Archive for September, 2007

Friday Blogger Round-up in Seattle

Posted by Eve Good On September - 28 - 2007

We’ve been wanting to introduce a new chapter to our Seattle Mommies. Every Friday we will be posting asummary of what’s going on in the week of some of our members. So keep writing everyone!I loved getting to know you all better and found myself hoping you all would post more often!

Wandering Mamma~ firstHappy10th Anniversary!She celebrated this week with her husband. Also like many of us she is dealing with the very serious and complicated issue of setting up her DVR for the new fall season of TV shows. She curses the new Comcast DVR and remindsus that “the Mariners have justbeen mathematically eliminated from post-season play…GO SEAHAWKS!” I enjoyed reading her and just want to say…good luckchoosing only 2 shows per hour on yourDVR. That was a tough one for me.

Over at Laurie’s Random Musings~she’s visiting gay Paris right now. Stop by and salivate. I know I did. Thanks for rubbing it in Laurie!

Because I must blog~ has had to deal with some little pieces of work. One was a little neighbor girl that told her to lose some weight…WHAT? I shuddered at that one. The very same week she watched an ungrateful acquaintance’s little boy, he turned out to bequite amonster. This blogger reminds us to buy “pink” to support Breast Cancer Research. Her mother has been fighting the disease, and it’s a cause we can all get behind.

Kimi at Blessed Beyond Belief is going through a health scare of her own. After her annual exam they found some lumps in her breasts, and after a mammogram they see multiple lumps and she has to get a dual biopsy. This courageous lady already had open heart surgery when she was 12, and she’s currently trying to plan her own wedding. Please visit Kimi and show her support and love. She sounds like an amazing lady.

Finally I stopped over at Redsy, this woman is finding herself again as she’s battling her alcoholism. I definitely am going to enjoy reading her journey as she discovers her life again through new eyes.

Keep reading and writing everyone! There are so many stories out there to share and we love having this new community to share them in!

Visit Eve’s personal blog

Going on in Seattle this weekend

Posted by Bananas On September - 27 - 2007

Free Museum admission!
Smithsonian magazine hosts free admission to participating museums. Please note that you’ll need a printed admission ticket (you can get one here) to gain free entry.
When: Saturday, Sept 29
Where: Participating museums
More info

Seattle Public Library Fall Book Sale
More than 250,000 books, CDs, DVDs, records, videos, sheet music, art prints and posters will sell for bargain prices. This is the place to stock up!
When: Fri-Sunday
Where:Magnuson Park
More info

If you go to one of these events, we’d love to post your review on Seattle Mom Blogs. To sumbit a review, or propose a topic, email us at .

August Post of the Month Winner

Posted by Daring One On September - 26 - 2007

The Seattle Mom Blogs are happy to announce the winner of our first ever Post of the Month award for August 2007. The votes are in and the award goes to Redneck Mommy for her fabulous post My Truth. If you havent already, please go read it. Youll be glad you did!

There were so many great posts to choose from and it was a really close vote. Thanks to everyone for nominating and voting for Augusts post of the month. It is, as you may have noticed, September already almost October. So please nominate a great post youve read this month.

September Post of the Month Nominations Open

Posted by Daring One On September - 26 - 2007

Were accepting nominations for the September Post of the Month.

Ive had people mention that they didnt nominate anyone because they couldnt narrow it down. Chill ladies! It doesnt have to be the best post in the world ever written. Theres no such thing. Just think back on the month and pick a post that really spoke to you, be it humorous, serious or both.

Nominees can be from anywhere in the world, any gender and any stage of life. The only rule is that they need to be chosen by members of Seattle Mom Blogs. Its our way of reaching out to the broader community and spreading the Emerald City lovin.

You can leave your nominations as a comment below or if you want to be anonymous send them to and Ill add them to the list in the comments. Now I know you all can read and Ive seen your blogrolls. Youve got some great material to choose from. Get nominating!

Nominations will be open through this Sunday, September 30th at midnight.

Gardening Indoors

Posted by Daring One On September - 26 - 2007

I think I’ve given up on keeping up the grounds of my grand and spacious Seattle-area estate. I went to find the hose a couple of days ago, only to discover it had been claimed by the earth in the backyard with the help of its friends, the blades of grass. I pulled and tugged at the hose, tearing up handfuls of foot-long herbage as I went.

I knew it was time to mow. Dans working a ton of overtime, at home and at MegaCorp and I decided Id mow to surprise him. However the lawnmower and I are not so much of the friends.

I started it once. It sputtered and died. I started it twice. It choked. I started it a third time with the help of my neighbor, gave the front lawn a nice little Mohawk and then listened to the mower expire for the last time. Its full of gas and completely unstartable, perhaps paralyzed by fear of the massive task ahead.

And now its rainy and muddy and the bamboo-like plant in the back yard is starting to take over the front yard in a manner fit for a Halloween horror movie. I surrender.

There are vines pushing in at my garage door and push toys in the corners of the yard that have been digested by weeds. I pull weeds up and a week later they’re bigger than they were before I started, as though the adversity of being yanked out by the roots has only strengthened their resolve to beat me in the end.

So Ive turned to houseplants. Small, unweedy, adorable wittle houseplants. They live in pots. They only get rained on if I say so and they never attack the children. Ill lock the windows and bar the doors against the encroaching greenery from without, while building a small, pleasant, not-slug-infested, easily-controlled Garden of Eden right here on the top of the bookshelves.

Visit Kathryns Personal Blog!

Seattle Mom Blogs introduces… Carrie Blankenship

Posted by Bananas On September - 20 - 2007

“It’s made this big, confusing job of mothering more rewarding knowing that there are other real moms out there going through some of the same things I am.

We at Seattle Mom Blogsare delighted to introduce Carrie, from Third Time’s a Charm?. Carrie is a stay-at-home mother of three and wife to one busy firefighter.She lives approximately 30 miles North of Seattle in the town where she grew up.

SMB:Give us the elevator speech about your blog, Third Time’s a Charm?.
Carrie: The name, Third Time’s a Charm? just seemed fitting for a mom of 3. I’m just another mother trying to get it right and trying to find humor when I don’t. Join me as I try to figure it out while trying not to lose my mind in the process!

SMB:When did you start blogging?
Carrie: I started blogging just before my dear friend was about to travel to China to adopt her first daughter in 2005 (since then she’s returned to China and brought home another beautiful girl!) in order to keep in touch with her while she was there. The email situation in China isn’t always reliable, and we thought keeping in touch through her blog was the way to go. So I started mine, and realized that I had some things to say. I remembered why I loved writing, and I found an outlet for all the stories about life that constantly play in my mind.

SMB: Why did you start blogging?
Carrie: To keep in touch with my friend while she was travelling in China. I had no idea that there was a whole world of “mommy bloggers” out there! I was amazed by all the support she received from the adoption community and other moms in general. So, I began to write, and write and write and write. Almost two years later and I’ve read some of the most amazing pieces of writing from moms both alike and different from myself. It’s made this big, confusing job of mothering more rewarding knowing that there are other real moms out there going through some of the same things I am.

SMB: So, let’s get to the important questions. What’s your favorite Ice Cream?
Carrie: That’s a toss up! It is between Dreyer’s Chocolate Chip Mint or Snoqualmie-brand Coconut. I also really, really like those little orange/vanilla cups we hand out at preschool!

SMB:If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?
Carrie: I’d be able to eat as much ice cream as I could without increasing my cholesterol, weight or blood sugar! (Sorry, that last question got me thinking about sweets!) Why? Because it’s good, that’s why!

SMB: What is something you do well?
Carrie: People tell me that I scrapbook, bake and write well – although I’m embarrassed to say those things. I cansing well in the car to 80’s tunes though! Well, maybe not “well”, but accurately, and with feeling!

SMB: What is one thing you’ve always wanted to do?
Carrie: Finish my Bachelor’s Degree.

SMB: What is the first blog you started reading?
Carrie: Other than my friends blog, Why Do These Kids Keep Calling Me Mom?, it was Eva Las Vegas. Kristin’s intelligent writing and snarky wit enthralled me. It still does.

SMB: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Carrie: I see myself with two boys in college and a non-hormonal 13-year-old daughter (I can dream, can’t I?). I will have completed my degree from Central and will be either teaching English or substitute teaching so that I can spend quality time at home with my daughter (if she is still speaking to me). Hopefully, I will have been published in a magazine for an essay about mothering.

SMB: Tell us something random about you.
Carrie: I have very small ears, and I am in love with Dave Matthews.

Besure to check out Carrie’s favorite posts:
1) Independence Day
2) Seperate Bedrooms
3)Growing Up is Hard to Do

Also, if you haven’t already,go on over to her blog, Third Times a Charm?, to say hello!

Do you want to be featured on Seattle Mom Blogs introduces? Just email us at with “profile” in the subject line, and we’ll send you a list of interview questions.

Fall is in the airtime

Posted by Bananas On September - 19 - 2007

I have a confession.

I am oh-so-very excited for Fall.

But not for the reasons you might think. I’ve read a whole lot of brilliant, beautiful, and lyrical posts lately about the joys of Fall… the crispness, the apples, the sweaters… and yes, all those things are nice and delightful and I DO love them.

But the thing I’m really excited for?

Dare I say it?

Fall TV.

They say that admitting you have a problem is the first step towards recovery.

Well there, I’ve said it.

Desperate Housewives, Grey’s Anatomy, New Adventures of Old Christine, Lost, Amazing Race… and then there’s the new stuff. Bionic Woman, Private Practice…

The only question is, between all the TV and blogging, when will I find the time to get anything DONE?

Ok, so I aired my dirty secret… now it’s your turn to ‘fess up.

What shows are YOU must excited about this Fall?

Visit Bananas’ personal blog!

Seattle Mom Blogs seeks original content by local moms

Posted by Bananas On September - 17 - 2007

Weve got a lot of great content up on the Seattle Mom Blogs site thanks to several amazing contributors. Thank you everyone for your enthusiasm and support! We couldnt do it without you!

At this point, Seattle Mom Blogs has matured to the stage where were ready to start focusing on publishing original content by local moms.

We welcome submissions in any topic area, especially those with a Seattle-area focus.

If youre interested in writing original content for Seattle Mom Blogs, for a copy of our editorial guidelines. And, to submit a topic proposal or piece of writing for review, send it to: .

Fall Haikus

Posted by Wendy On September - 16 - 2007

foggy moist air blows
we purchase bigger rainboots
preparing for rain

berries disappoint
hope climbs for crunchy apples
I eat my seasons

originally posted on Sept 13, 2007 at .

Visit Wendys personal blog!

Going on this weekend in the greater-Seattle area

Posted by Bananas On September - 14 - 2007

Here are a few events going on this weekend that look like fun for the whole family. If you know of others, leave a comment!

Maritime Fest (Tacoma)
Free fun for the whole family featuring hands-on adventures, exhibits and competitions, kids activities, dragon boat races, train rides, boat rides, and more!
When: Sat & Sun
Where: Dock Street, Thea Foss Waterway, and the Port of Tacoma/
More info

Wallingford Wurstfest (Seattle)
The Wurst is an Oktoberfest-style fun community event sponsored by St. Benedict School. The Fest offers inflated rides, a climbing wall, live music, great food, games for kids, prizes, great vendors and, of course, a biergarten open until midnight (with live music in the evenings).
When: Fri-Sun
Where: Wallingford
More info

Corn Maze Opening Celebration (Redmond)
Wagon rides, music, storytelling, and more!
When: Sat & Sun, 11am-3pm
Where: South 47 Farm, Redmond
More info

Have a great weekend everyone!

Visit Bananas’ personal blog!