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Archive for June, 2007

Chili Cheese Fries ‘n’ Me

Posted by Bananas On June - 6 - 2007

CJ and I spent the afternoon at the zoo, wandering around in the gray almost-rainy and oh-so-cold weather. What happened to our 80 degree weather? What happened to our 70 degree weather? Heck, at this point I’d settle for 60s!! And the cold and gray has more than one ramification…

For example, we were sitting in the zoo eating area, having a snack- Me, coffee. CJ, raspberry smoothie- WHEN… I saw them. Two rather portly women, carefully carrying a plate endowed with a HUGE pile of chili cheese fries. We’re talking serious grease and serious cheese.

Now I know what you’re thinking; “Ewww! chili cheese fries? WHO eats chili cheese fries?” and usually I’d be right there with you. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever actually eaten chili cheese fries, simply because they always seemed rather gross.

But something caused me to be very attracted to that plate of chili cheese fries. In fact, I had a momentary flash where I actually SAW myself leaping across the room, shoving over plastic chairs and tables in my hurry, and scooping up a big handful of chili cheese fries to shove in my mouth while the women looked on in open-mouthed horror. Mmmmm… cheesy, greasy, delicious.

Can you imagine? What a scene that would be. Sort of reminiscent of when that orangutan got loose from a zoo in Taiwan

“Women goes mad for chili cheese fries” the headlines would read, “It was an ugly scene here at the Woodland Park Zoo when what appeared to be a calm and unassuming woman shocked the zoo-goers by leaping across tables and chairs in what she later called an ‘unexplainable fit of hunger’… the woman, who has been identified as Jenny Blackburn, apologized to the rightful owners of the chili cheese fries for the massacre saying, ‘I just don’t know what came over me. All I could think was CHILI. CHEESE. FRIES… and away I went!’ Similar drive-by eatings are cropping up across the city, with experts theorizing that the recent onset of Seattle gloom may be to blame…”

Oh don’t worry– it was just a momentary fantasy, a daydream of the weirdest nature, a wild impulse from who-knows-where. I didn’t actually do it. But (sigh) I do have to admit, those chili cheese fries are STILL looking pretty darn tasty. If you find yourself eating them in MY neighborhood, you’d better watch your back.