
Seattle Mom Blogs

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Archive for April, 2007

Playground Review: Cowen Park

Posted by Bananas On April - 23 - 2007

What better way to start off a than with a visit to a great playground?

Cowen Park is a lesser-known (and thus, not too busy) gem in North Seattle, just off of NE Ravenna Blvd. and 15th Ave NE.

Cowen ParkThe park, which is adjacent to the Ravenna Eckstein community center, boasts a newer playground with a zipline, giant sundial, grassy play area and steps down to a delightful creek-side trail that connects to Ravenna Park.

Our favorite Cowen Park features:

  • Even on a sunny weekend, it’s never TOO busy.
  • Nicely landscaped
  • Good variety of fun playground equipment in good condition
  • Nice grassy expanse for playing or picnicking
  • Public restrooms
  • The creek-side trail that connects to Ravenna Park
  • Giant sundial

You can find more information about Cowen Park at the
Seattle Parks & Recreation website. for a map showing the exact location of Cowen Park.

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Inexpensive babysitters added to the endangered species list

Posted by Bananas On April - 14 - 2007

What does a woman have to do to get a date night in this city??

Has anyone else noticed the extreme lack of reasonable, reliable babysitters? I remember when I was a kid, my parents always had a plethora of teenage neighborhood girls who would happily come and watch my sister and I for an entire evening. I know my parents, and I KNOW that they were not paying those girls $15 an hour.

In fact, I remember as a teenager being PLEASED to get $20 for a night of babysitting.

So what happened to all the teenage girls?

From what I can tell, we parents have two options when it comes to date-night:

Option 1: Pay a highly qualified college student (or older) $12 and up PER HOUR (more for multiple kids)

Option 2: NEVER GO OUT

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE our babysitters. It’s just that we’re trying to save money, and that’s hard when an average evening out costs upwards of $100 BEFORE the dinner bill. Which means… we rarely to NEVER get to go out. And that’s really too infrequent for me.

Is it just me? Or are good, cheap babysitters becoming an endangered species?

Visit Bananas’ Personal Blog

Baby tiger makes her public debut

Posted by Bananas On April - 9 - 2007

Today is the first day of spring break, which means five long days of no preschool, in which I actually have to earn my keep as mother 8 hours a day and FIND THINGS FOR US TO DO. What?! I never signed up for this!! (kidding)

Itinerary for Day 1: a trip to the zoo for the FIRST PUBLIC VIEWING of the zoo’s 3+ month old tiger cub. And, as if a cute baby tiger isn’t enough of a draw, there’s also free cupcakes from Cupcake Royale… we are SO there.

First, I should tell you that, no matter how early I start the getting-ready process, we always arrive approximately 10-20 minutes late, just like clockwork. It’s really depressing. And this morning was no exception. “Hurry, CJ!” I shouted, “get your shoes! we’re going to miss the cupcakes!” Nobody can dilly-dally like my CJ; forty-five minutes later we rushed out the door.

So we got to the zoo at 11:40am, ten minutes after the official start time for the tiger viewing. I was really most concerned about the cupcakes, so we raced through the zoo and whew! spotted two tables covered with boxes and boxes of beautifully delicious cupcakes. Yummy. And yes, too good to be true. Even as we moved towards the tables, we were quickly and effectively blocked by an older woman who informed us that, no we could NOT have a cupcake. Cupcakes were to be distributed to people as they exited the tiger viewing area. Oh and by the way, the line for said tiger viewing was approximately 1.5 hours long.

Ugh. But never fear! Like any good mother should, I had a PLAN B, which involved shelling out some cash for an ice-cream at the concession stand. Yeah sure I was disappointed that we’d have to wait to see the baby tiger. But we’re at the zoo at least once a week… we’ll be seeing it soon, no doubt.

We wandered around for a couple of hours, the ice-cream steadily melting down CJ’s face, neck, arms, and coat. Sticky! Note to self: Add baby wipes to the stash of emergency items in my purse!

And, like somebody famous probably said, it’s when you’ve stopped looking that you finally find what you were looking for. Yep, after we’d given up all hope of seeing baby Tiger or eating yummy cupcakes, we walked by to see that the line had shrunk! We DID get to see baby Hadiah (Malay-Indonesian for “gift”) after just a 15 minute wait. Of course she was sleeping in the very back of her cage, so all we saw were some paws and a tail… but let me tell you, they were a CUTE pair of paws and a VERY CUTE tail. But best of all, there were STILL CUPCAKES LEFT! Sometimes the stars just line up in our favor.

So, this is my very long way of saying…
Tiger, cute (I think).
Line, long.
Cupcakes, GOOD.

Baby Hadia will be on public display daily from 11am to 2pm in the Adaptations Building. More info is available at the Woodland Park zoo website.Cupcake Royale offers dreamy concoctions of sugar, butter, and icing in Ballard, Madrona, and West Seattle (see website for details). Cupcakes at the zoo, as far as I know, were a one-time only deal in celebration of Hadia’s foray into the public eye.

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