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Archive for March, 2007

The birth of a superhero

Posted by Bananas On March - 30 - 2007

My darling and very imaginative son is infatuated with superheroes. Superman, Spiderman, Batman… if it has “man” appended to the end, he’s a fan.

So I probably shouldn’t have been surprised when he started talking about himself in the third person.

“Super CJ is hungry. Super CJ needs… ice cream!”

“Mom, you’re frozen. Super CJ just froze you.”

I say, “CJ, don’t growl at people you don’t know.”

he says, “But mom, I have to… I’m SUPER CJ!”

The transformation occurred for the first time a couple of weeks ago, when we were at Zoomazium, although the cause is a mystery. Was he bit by a spider that I didn’t see? Fall into a vat of nuclear spillage? Who can say, really. All I know is that this event marked the beginning of the very exciting, often thrilling, and always hilarious adventures of… SUPER CJ!

So we were at the Zoomazium, and I was watching CJ stand in line for the treehouse. Suddenly he fell out of line to twirl around, give a big kick and leap into the air with a shout. He raced over to where I was sitting and announced breathlessly, “I twirled around and around and then I turned into… SUPER CJ!” It was clear from the sparkle in his eyes that he really believed it.

He now turns into Super CJ several times a day. This inevitably involves kicking, spinning, something that looks an awful lot like break-dancing (?!) and cool sound effects. Yes, the level of drama in my days has definitely gone up. The question is, what superpower do I need in order to survive?

Visit Bananas’ Personal Blog

Surfing in the Northwest

Posted by Eve Good On March - 11 - 2007

Although I would love to make the type of this post bigger at the request of some readers, alas, I dont know how, which goes to show my ineptitude when it comes to anything technological.

I just returned from vacation.

Are you jealous? You should be, I left the kids behind with grandma.

I have inferred that we recently moved from Southern Cali where I have lived peacefully for the past 8 years to rainy Seattle. My husband grew up down there, and that is where I hoped to remain, but were are here, and making the best of it.

Hubby is a surfer, its part of who he is and why I love him. Ive been obsessed with surf culture sinceI was about 12 years old. I subscribed to Surfer Magazine as a youngster and would pour over the pages with much enthusiasm, vowing that I would learn someday, and that only someone who knew how to would be a good enough man to marry.

It just so happens I met my husband in a surf shop, while buying some racks for my car. It wasnt love at first sight, but he did give me a discount on those racks, andsix months later we were dating, then seven months after that we were married.

We want to keep that culture alive and decided after the horrible winter we had that we needed a surf adventure.

Hubby has been reading about where to go, and we found a spot on the Oregon coast that is said to have the best waves on the west coastso for my very first guest blogger, my husband, risking his life, to tell you about the Oregon waves

Rumor has it that Seaside Oregon is home to one of, if not the best left point break on Americas west coast. The challenge of the wave goes beyond the size, power, and rocks associated with the wave. Sightings of Great White sharks are common. In fact, someone was attacked by a Great Whitejust last Christmas.

The local surf crowdis also cause concern for a visiting surfer. To helpa non-surfer understand this point you would have to understand what localismmeans. Localism=preventingvisitors from surfing the break you grew up surfing.Localism is manifest in acts of vandalism on a visitors car, surrounding a visitor in the water and preventing them fromcatching waves, threatening a visitors lifeand even attempting to make good on those threats.

So why surfSeaside instead of going somewhere else?It is a beautiful town with plentyto keep a family busy, and plenty of world class surf to keep a surfer very happy. As for my experience, I had a fantastic time.Each personI met while surfing was polite and friendly. The surf was 6-10 foot at the point and even though it was stormy, the shape held up and provided an excellent surfing experience. There is a beach break for beginners and the point for surfers who are ready for a challenging juicy wave. Cleanline Surfshop andSeaside Surf Shop both provided me withquality rental gear and were run by quality individuals thatgave me all the infoI needed about the area to make it a memorable experience. All and allI can see why the locals want to keep this little gem for themselves.

Thanks honeymight I add that while the boys were surfing the wives went to a wonderful day spa called Day Spa on Broadway (www.dayspaonbroadway.net). I think its the onlyspa in town, though if any others show up theyll have some tough competition on their hands. It was hands down the best facial Ive ever had, given by an Australian named Wendy Camden. Shewas gentle, yet excellent, and I left with a glow that stayed on my skin for days.

We also went to the best restaurant I have ever eaten at, in a beautiful one light town to the north. Gearhart. The restaurant was Pacific Way Cafe, its a French Bistro in a quaint building off of Pacific Way, and it ruined me for any other eats on the rest of the trip. I recommend this to any one planning a Seaside adventure.

There is something for everyone in this little town, and even when its raining, as it often does in the North West, there is plenty to do. I had a great time, and I feel ready to take on whatever the littleones can literally throw at me!

Visit Eve’s Personal Blog